Sentences with phrase «proper voice»

This is the first of Double Fine's downloadable titles to feature proper voice acting.
I think that, Hyrule Warriors can work well on online if proper voice chat is added.
Proper voice levels for different activities (playground volume, partner work volume, silent volume, and so on.
They had a backplate — a built - in cover for the back to ensure proper voicing.
It's almost as if your Chromecast is getting proper voice support if you have both a Chromecast and Google Home in your possession.
A reformed institution will give a proper voice to the whole of the UK and act as an effective complement to a House of Commons which — because of the first - past - the - post voting procedure — does not fairly represent our citizens politically.
He also wants «to give party members a proper voice» in «a living breathing party of which people are proud to say they are members and proud to call their -LSB-...]
Artwork for The King's Speech seems at last to be finding the proper voice.
Responses must also be appropriate and thoughtful as well as reflective of the proper voice and related research.
Many realized partway into writing these drafts that they didn't know enough about the language of the late 1700s to write in a proper voice and watched documentaries on their own time to get up to speed.
Though there's no proper voice acting and Mario still never participates in conversations, the game is packed with genuinely witty and clever exchanges and scenarios from allies and enemies alike.
The new center will afford Blackman the opportunity to continue his extensive curatorial work on the African Diaspora ensuring its important cultural influence finds an anchor and a proper voice in the Washington, DC art world.
«It's about new technology, and people's attitudes - we want to give a proper voice to the nuclear discussion,» said Fenton, who I spoke with via Skype this morning, and who believes that nuclear along with renewables will help mitigate the global warming consequences of CO2 - spewing fossil fuels.
All of these new machines will respond to «Alexa» and «Hey, Cortana», and the proper voice assistant will respond.
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