Sentences with phrase «properly characterized»

Since the child has not lived with the other parent for at least six months in the other state, then that state can not be properly characterized as the home state.
Certain digital tokens may also be properly characterized as «derivatives» under both US and non-US law.
The fact that the protest was loud and angry did not mean that the protest was properly characterized as «violent».
[1] An out - of - court statement by a person not called as a witness in the proceedings is properly characterized as hearsay where it is tendered in evidence to make proof of the truth of its contents.
When the legislative purpose is properly characterized to include the timely resolution of disputes, there is no reason to resist the grammatical and ordinary sense of the legislation.
The motion judge ruled that the order the respondent sought was properly characterized as a motion to correct an error in the title of proceedings under r. 5.04 (2),
Assessments such as vocational assessments and FAEs are not properly characterized as diagnostic aids to the opinions of health practitioners, but precluding their use in litigation would be contrary to good policy.
It further puts the onus on employers to demonstrate that a person engaged as an independent contractor is properly characterized as such, and is not in fact an employee.
And the steps and forms necessary to evict a tenant are not properly characterized as «best guesses.»
The Court of Appeal found that, properly characterized, a termination order is really just a procedural step in the arbitration process.
Even if the Equifax report contained information properly characterized as information about the plaintiffs» «private affairs and concerns,» which was «invaded» by the firm's obtaining the report, the firm had lawful justification for doing so.
Our Vancouver Marriage Like Relationship lawyers will leave no stone un-turned to ensure your potential common law relationship is properly characterized and your rights protected.
Consequently, Watt J.A. takes the view that this material is properly characterized as third - party material subject to the O'Connor regime.
The clearest expression of the view that this information is properly characterized as first - party Stinchcombe records was penned by Paciocco J. of the Ontario Court of Justice.
[15] Mr. Robson has communicated with the Tribunal and Law Society counsel on multiple occasions in ways that are properly characterized as deeply offensive and appalling.
If an accused who receives ineffective representation at trial is convicted, the conviction must be quashed if the result is properly characterized as a miscarriage of justice.
I wholeheartedly agree that understanding the underlying physical mechanisms is key, and this seems to be missed by VS. I think the physics of the problem bounds the temperature to such a degree that it is not properly characterized as a stackable random component, though I'm not a statistician by any means.
If properly characterized — they are nevertheless «useful», in George Box's famous phrase.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Fair Isaac Company (creators of the FICO score) anticipated that around one - third of unscorable credit card applicants could be properly characterized using the FICO XD score.
What Cobb concludes, consequently, is that while all past actual occasions are technically nonexistent or no longer concrescing, theirs is most properly characterized nonetheless as a causally efficacious nonexistence (1:150).
Furthermore, Barr fails to see the exclusion of formal and final causes as a defect that undermines the ability of science to properly characterize the natural world.
An accurate description of protein interfaces is needed in order to properly characterize protein function and rationally interfere with it.
«The Keck Observatory data was crucial to confirm the existence of the planet, and to properly characterize its atmosphere,» said Christian Marois, an astronomer at the University of Victoria, Canada.
My money is on the models having «issues» with properly characterizing natural variability for periods much less than 30 - years, but are getting the secular trends «about right» (possibly running «a bit hot», I'm still sticking with my 2.5 °C / doubling number though).
It is worth it for counsel to spend time to properly characterize the digital evidence at issue.
The inherent problem here is that to properly characterize risk and write the correct policy, you need to be an insurance expert.
In fact, one might properly characterize divorce mediation as a practice in search of a process.

Not exact matches

I had entered the fourth phase of survivorship, which was characterized perhaps less by the health problems themselves than by the fact that my maladies were not properly ascribed to a post-concentration-camp syndrome.
For this was the first time matter was wrenched from that properly ordered relationship with God which characterized the universe in its fundamental control and direction.
Diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels poorly regulated by either inadequate insulin production or because cells to not respond properly to the regulating hormone.
«To characterize the subsurface properly, one must measure both shear and compressional properties.
The authors recommend using sequencing to characterize variation within laboratory animal populations before designing studies, allowing the results to be properly interpreted.
Immune deficiencies are characterized by the body's inability to properly make antibodies.
Type 2 or non-insulin dependent diabetes, which is by far the most common form in humans (90 % of diabetes in humans is Type 2), is characterized by an inability of cells to respond properly to insulin.
Did you properly disclose and characterize the risk of your policy?
Withdrawal rates can be 5.8 % (plus inflation) and higher ASSUMING that we can characterize these investments properly.
Canine Diabetes Diabete mellitus is characterized by an insulin deficiency, which means the dog's body can not properly metabolize sugars, resulting in too much glucose in the dog's blood and not enough in the dog's cells.
An enlarged heart is a dangerous condition characterized by a heart that does not function properly due to inflammation.
This process has nothing to do with either conservatism or subversion, both of which terms characterize art that is properly called «academic».
I write it off as a very real effect that is not well characterized by the models, probably because these models don't model with enough accuracy the effect of the additional aerosol particles on cloud production to properly account for it's full effect on temperature.
I'm going to take Leif's word concerning how this probability should properly be characterized.
The motion judge held that the request for a representation order in this case could properly be characterized as a request to «correct the name of a party incorrectly named» within the meaning of r. 5.04 (2).
Abrams Realty Corp. v. Elo (279 A.D. 2d 261)- trial evidence establishes that broker was the procuring cause of sale of property; brokerage agreement was not unenforceable for its failure to specify rate at which broker's commission would be computed since it was clear that broker did not agree to work without compensation and that the parties understood that the broker would be compensated at the prevailing, normal and accepted rates; trial court properly rejected attempt to evade obligation to pay broker's commission by endeavoring to characterize the transaction as merely the assignment of a successful bid
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