Sentences with phrase «properly digests the sugars»

People who don't produce enough of the enzyme lactase can not properly digest the sugar lactose that is found in milk and dairy products.
(The latter makes sense, says Barengolts, since their ability to properly digest sugars could be compromised.)
Lactose intolerant dogs actually lack an enzyme that properly digests the sugars found in dairy.

Not exact matches

On our last visit he prescribed active enzyme drops to help digest the lactose as he was convinced it's the sugar in the lactose that she can't properly digest.
In order to digest sugar properly, your body must draw water from your tissues to dilute the sugar so that it can be absorbed into your bloodstream.
To summarize the argument; agriculture and the eating of grains is too new of a development in the history of human kind for us to have truly evolved biological mechanisms for properly digesting and assimilating cereal grains, seeds, legumes, sugar and dairy products.
According to proponents of the FODMAP restriction diet, as well as similar diets such as the Specific Carbohydrate and GAPS diet, many of these sugars aren't properly digested.
Do keep in mind that many people can't properly digest dairy, and that it contains lactose, a natural sugar.
The inability to properly digest fructose, a basic sugar found in many foods, can be painful and debilitating.
Another theory about sugar cravings is that you are not eating enough protein or your body is not digesting protein properly (for example due to low stomach acid).
In addition, because some of the short - chain carbohydrates (sugars) found in legumes aren't properly digested and absorbed in the digestive tract, they can act as food for bacteria living in the intestines.
They simply lack the ability to properly digest milk sugar (lactose) and therefore have an adverse reaction to drinking milk.
Lactose is a sugar found in milk that must be broken apart by an enzyme — lactase — before it can be digested properly.
This is because the pancreas makes insulin which controls blood sugar levels, and makes enzymes that help your animal digest food properly so that nutrients can be absorbed.»
Pancreatic enzymes are necessary for digestion, so animals who don't make enough of these enzymes get very sick and can lose a lot of weight because they can not properly digest and absorb the fat, protein, and sugar in their food.
All the digestive distress is because most dogs can not properly digest lactose, the most common sugar in milk products, because they lack the digestive enzyme lactase.
It means that they can't properly digest the lactose found in dairy (lactose is a type of sugar).
It produces insulin which is necessary for keeping the body's blood sugar stable and it also produces important products necessary to properly digest food.
From proper fat and sugar handling in your body (when an animal forms a Lipoma or fatty tumor - they do not handle or «digest» fat properly...) to even neurotransmitter actions in your brain... enzymes are EVERYWHERE.
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