Sentences with phrase «properly fueling your exercises»

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Of course if you've increased your exercise, like I have, you need to make sure you are staying properly fueled through your diet.
But, in order to exercise and function properly, your body and brain require the correct fuel.
If you're putting in the time to exercise, it's worth it to properly fuel your body.
If you are not eating properly (and enough) to fuel your body, you won't see the results you want, even if you're exercising every single day.
No one knows more about properly fueling for any kind of exercise than Hammer!
And, if you think that skipping meals and not properly fueling your body before exercising will help you lose weight faster... then you're better off not exercising at all, because you're really suppressing your thyroid and destroying your metabolism.
The individual Sports & Fitness Nutrition course can be a stand alone course for those who want to learn how to properly fuel for exercise, can be taken as part of our Holistic based Sports & Fitness Nutrition Certification, and is also an ad - on for the NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach graduates who would like to add a Sports Nutrition specialization to their Holistic Nutrition Coach designation.
If you fail to fuel properly before a workout, you're shortchanging your body's ability to function at maximum capacity during exercise.
Even if you aren't competitive, you have probably noticed the difference in how you feel during, and after, exercise when you are — or are not — properly fueled.
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