Sentences with phrase «property of others»

The intellectual properties of other people must be respected by properly citing their works.
The small damage to property of others coverage also includes similar language, with one caveat, but we'll get to that caveat in a moment.
Would you want to pay for the damage to the personal property of other people just because you had one bad thing happen to you?
Although the personal property belonging to a roommate would not be covered on your contents, renters or home insurance policy, the personal property of others while in your care may be covered.
You can purchase replacement cost coverage for Property of Others for an additional premium.
The damages to the lives and property of the other party are also involved.
If you use property that meets the description of Property of Others, your policy should include a separate limit for that property.
You may also get protection in property damage cases where you cause harm to the private property of others on accident and are liable for their replacement or repair.
* Other names and brands may be claimed as property of others.
Liability coverage can take care of damage to property of others with a minimum of fuss and difficulty and get you both back on the proverbial road in no time.
If you were considered to be responsible for a situation like that, you'd be responsible for the damage to the building as well as the damage to property of other residents.
This type of loss could be paid under your liability coverage if it was above the damage to property of others limit.
You might find coverage for that under the damage to property of others provision, which is entirely separate from liability coverage.
With this arrangement, the light - sensitive component alters the thermal properties of the other component, which stores and releases its energy.
Spinach is not in the same family and despite being a leafy dark green vegetable, holds none of the extraordinary health giving properties of the others mentioned here.
Young content creators must be educated about copyright law, their own rights as content creators, and their responsibilities as producers and publishers of content derived from the intellectual property of others.
Damage to property of others coverage would offer a small coverage for damage that you do to something someone else owns.
The property damage liability that covers the pay for all claims which are made against you and the legal fees when damage is inflicted to the car or property of other people.
If no limit appears, your policy may provide little coverage for Property of Others.
Damage to personal property of others is estimated at around $ 25,000.
Liability coverage can take care of damage to property of others with a minimum of fuss and difficulty and get you both back on the proverbial road in no time.
If you were considered to be responsible for a situation like that, you'd be responsible for the damage to the building as well as the damage to property of other residents.
This type of loss could be paid under your liability coverage if it was above the damage to property of others limit.
You might find coverage for that under the damage to property of others provision, which is entirely separate from liability coverage.
Your Henderson, NV renters insurance policy covers «up to $ 1,000 per occurrence for property damage to property of others caused by an insured.»
Grandma = Stupid for destroying property of others, plus she has given the work huge publicity now (does she think that this is the only copy?)
Nevada requires that automobile liability insurance policies carry minimum coverage of $ 15,000 for bodily injury or death of one person in any one accident; $ 30,000 for bodily injury or death of two or more persons on any one accident; and $ 10,000 for injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident.
His work engages with the idea of skin, seen as the first architectonic structure in which the body is contained, and develops using the physical properties of other materials, reflecting on human connections within its surroundings.
Creditors of one spouse will not be able to seize the separate property of the other spouse unless the partition was executed with the intent to defraud the creditors.
Business personal property including business personal property you own, personal property of others while in your possession and computer hardware
When one tyke looks like the physical similarity of the favored race, the family may tend to support that tyke over the other who may have physical properties of the other race.
School librarians are often the only professionals in the building who address the development of proud digital citizens and leaders — helping learners to understand their digital footprints, to build academic digital footprints and to respect the intellectual property of others when they remix and engage in new forms of communication and storytelling.
Potentially, she could even be responsible for the smoke damage to other apartments and the personal property of other affected residents.
Have counsel prepare an agreement that the co-signing spouse is doing so in trust for the other spouse; the replacement property is the separate property of other spouse and that no gift has occurred.
Emulsifiers are used to change surface properties of other ingredients with which they are combined.
Rice has pride of place at the Korean table, but Koreans have also long embraced the healthful properties of other whole grains like millet, barley, and oats.
KRAFT FOODS, NORTH AMERICA * KRAFT FOODS LOST 2 Legal Challenges at the U.S. Trademark Office to Cancel Smokey Chipotle (2007) & Smokin» Chipotle (2008) Trademarks Result: KRAFT FOODS IS THE EPITOME OF A MULTI-NATIONAL BULLY demonstrating No Respect for Stealing Property of Others * Three Lakes Drive Northbrook, Illinois 60091 Company: Multi-National Conglomerate Packaged Food Manufacturer Product: KRAFT BULLSEYE Barbecue Sauce SMOKIN» CHIPOTLE
Having many of the beneficial properties of other dietary fiber supplements, coconut dietary fiber also offers unique benefits to you and your plants, due to its lack of phytic acid and high water - absorption properties.
The MPAA is also looking forward to working with FOSI to help kids and parents understand the importance of respecting the intellectual property of others so that their own ideas and creative endeavors will be respected as well.»
The statement re-emphasize that the command will not stand idly and allow any person or group of persons to violate the laws of country by engaging in conducts that are perilous to public peace and order as well as the lives and properties of other law abiding citizens, please.
«There is a serious effort right now in some pharmaceutical companies to enhance the therapeutic properties of other thiopeptides,» Mitchell said.
Nevertheless, vigilance must be maintained: A few mutations can radically change the biological properties of other RNA viruses.
Seeing how atoms and electrons in a material respond to external stimuli can give scientists insight into unsolved problems in solid - state physics, such as the basis for high - temperature superconductivity and the many intriguing properties of other exotic materials.
Thus, when we record information on one of the photon from the pair we also find out about the existence and properties of the other photon, which nevertheless remains undisturbed by observation and therefore perfectly suitable for quantum operations.
They piggyback off the intellectual property of other teen retailers such as Abercrombie & Fitch.
Cayenne can act as a stimulant that brings the healing properties of other herbs to joints throughout the body.
This is nearly double the number of properties of other large brands, such as Hilton or Marriott.
Depending on the size and scope of your operation, you will want to address property of others in your care, as well as off - premises property coverage for you and your customers.
Comment (1) to Rule 1.15 says that a lawyer should hold property of others with the care required of a professional fiduciary.

Phrases with «property of others»

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