Sentences with phrase «prophetic oracles»

Three kinds of material relating to Jeremiah and his times dominate the hook: (1) prophetic oracles deemed in their freshness and vitality to be authentic, in the sense in which we have used this word before; (2) historical - biographical narratives, conservatively attributed (and rightly, we think) in first origin to Baruch, the prophet's personal scribe (36:4 ff.)
Yet the case does not rest here; for it must be recognized that the Psalms are historic documents in much the same sense as the prophetic oracles have long been known to be.
They come streaming to Zion, not bringing tribute or bringing back captives, as in so many prophetic oracles, but seeking instruction.
We find aphorisms, prophetic oracles, psalms, and hymns, some of which reflect heathen patterns with a Jewish or Christian cast.
The seeming correspondence between events in our own day and the language of the prophets has prompted Christians to look with fresh eyes on the biblical promises about the Land and the prophetic oracles about return and restoration.

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and Amos 1 - 2), but also of the collection and arrangement of oracles against foreign nations going on in prophetic circles and resulting in such blocks of material in the prophetic canon as Isa.
The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the prophetic utterance, the oracle of a mere man, Le'ithiel: Indeed I am a subhuman brute; I have not the intelligence of a man.
After pointing out ways in which the simple form of the priestly oracle of assurance is expanded in prophetic use Begrich shows further close connections between the priestly oracle and the psalm of lament.
It separates the prophetic mode from its narrative context, tends to tie prophecy to the still more ancient genre of the oracle, and hence to the idea of an unveiling of the future.
In one of Isaiah's oracles, his prophetic ire against pride in every form sweeps up for condemnation an astonishing category of objects:
A disciple of Second Isaiah recorded an oracle of the Lord's which most clearly witnesses to this radical prophetic call:
This full prophetic faith is given climactic summary in the floating oracle; and even more eloquently, movingly, in this phenomenal utterance originating probably in circles of prophetism subsequent to Isaiah, but, perhaps not without some justification in view of his tremendous influence, attributed to him in Isaiah 19:23 f.
Some of these oracles may originate in prophetic circles quite independent of Jeremiah; but others — for example, the oracle against Egypt (46: 2 - 28) and those oracles directed against Moab, Ammon, Edom (48:1 - 49:27), and Elam (49:34 - 39)-- may well be fashioned in present form from authentic oracles of Jeremiah.
Jesus» prophecy of the destruction of the temple implied that Jerusalem would also be destroyed, but the form of the Marcan oracle suggests that on the basis of this simple prediction was developed, in the light of Old Testament prophecy, and first - century prophetic experience, a much fuller and more «apocalyptic» oracle.
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