Sentences with phrase «prophetic vocation»

Jesus» prophetic vocation was to impress on people how an ultimate beauty was already breaking into their lives.
M.M. Thomas in one of his early essays, when he was responding to the challenge of Gandhian spirituality speaks of the need for a «spiritual aristocracy» that accepts prophetic vocation as their communal style.
We are told that others at the table wondered who Jesus is to forgive sins — though announcing God's forgiveness or punishment is clearly an element of the prophetic vocation, which had been tentatively ascribed to Jesus by Simon.
The first sign of his prophetic vocation, according to his own words, was the discovery that everything which he dreamed happened in his waking hours precisely as he had foreseen it.
Our prophetic vocation becomes especially important in a democracy.
Preaching to the deaf is a venerable prophetic vocation.

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In France, the Reformed Church acknowledged that conscientious objection is a vocation in the church, a prophetic sign.
The witness of Christians on countless injustices such as slavery, child labour, and the denial of civil rights, has been an important element of our shared history and prophetic social vocation.
The prophetic disposition sees all reality in terms of historical eventfulness — it weighs every event by its tendency to conspire with or against God's drive to shape history toward his kingdom of love and justice, and it understands that the human vocation is to participate in this struggle.
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