Sentences with phrase «proposed decades or more»

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But neither of them, any more than Tocqueville a few decades later, proposed an alternative theory in which freedom would be answerable to a fully knowable Order or the right could be logically derived from The Good.
This well - known theory proposed more than 2 decades ago postulates that early exposure to LPS (or endotoxin) decreases the risk of developing allergic disease (7 — 10).
HDST's proponents say those ideas are shortsighted — too modest and incremental to remain relevant two or more decades hence, when any of these proposed telescopes would fly.
The HMS study challenges the traditional, decades - old model, which proposes that making a simple spatial decision is the result of an outright competition between two or more distinct neural pathways, with one signal prevailing to suppress the others.
Simply decreasing the amount of food we throw away might reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions more over the next decade or two than many of the expensive or controversial energy supply policies that have been proposed.
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