Sentences with phrase «proposed formula»

Instead, they have proposed a formula which would see new union members, and eventually existing members, specify that they wanted to be affiliated to Labour.
Other proposed formulas, which exclude candidates by the amount of money raised or the number of staffers hired, also have their problems.
Spitzer proposed a formula to distribute aid by need rather than political power; Bruno wanted a separate distribution for Long Island, which has eight Republican senators.
In 1961, American astronomer Frank Drake proposed a formula that could be used to roughly estimate of the number of intelligent and technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way.
Things are likely to get better thanks to last year's ballot measure to hike taxes for public education, and Governor Jerry Brown's proposed formula revamp could make things even better for districts like LAUSD with lots of bilingual and poor students — if it's approved.
Brown had initially proposed a formula in which districts would receive an equal, per - student base grant amount, as well as supplementary funds for every disadvantaged child - English learners, low - income students and foster children.
This time, they have proposed a formula of «concentric differentiation» that sets out three main bands of responsibility: rich developed nations in the centre with large mandatory emission cuts, poorer nations on the outside with zero obligations and great flexibility, and emerging economies in the middle with a basket of options for significant voluntary reductions.
Now, a group of scientists at Cornell University led by associate professor Alberto Fairén have proposed a formula that takes into account the characteristics of over 600 known exoplanets to help estimate how likely we are to find complex life on them.
In each case, their proposed formula would substitute new measures to address these issues.
Proposed formula: This provision remains the same and does not correspond to EdBuild's recommendations to do away with this rule altogether.
The proposed formula would focus only on concentrated poverty.
Proposed formula: Funding for districts is based on the number of students enrolled on certain days of the year to come up with a district's «Average Daily Membership.»
We support local control of education, so if this proposed formula passes into law, we urge policymakers to review the 27 percent rule in the future — perhaps in conjunction with broader tax reform — to shift more education spending back to localities.
The proposed formula would measure states» fiscal effort — how much they spend on education given their resources — based on total dollars rather than per - capita dollars.
Each of the current formulas has suffered from one or more weaknesses, which Miller and Brown address in their proposed formula.
Proposed formula: Now, under the proposed funding formula, the base student cost is a flat $ 4,800 each year that is not subject to an automatic formula but, instead, the Legislature must review and revise the formula every 4 years after an initial review period.
Proposed formula: The proposed formula includes provisions to require transparent spending practices and district - by - district comparisons.
The proposed formula would include better measures for differences in the cost of living across districts.
The proposed formula would only be applied to the new traditional schools» funding; yet it will apply to all charter school special education funding, Fayfich said.
The proposed formula, which the city school board is scheduled to vote on Tuesday, would...
In 2008, State Board of Education President Michael Kirst co-authored a policy brief that became the foundation for Brown's proposed formula.
We've left special education untouched [in the proposed formula].
The proposed formula, which the city school board is scheduled to vote on Tuesday, would allocate resources based largely on student...
To sweeten the pot, Deal's commission ran the numbers on its proposed formula with an additional $ 241 million in state funding for at the least the first year.
Also, though the commission never released a comparison, some districts apparently did worse under the proposed formula than under the current formula when that extra quarter - billion dollars was factored out.
The proposed formula didn't bind the state to any minimum threshold of spending, a cornerstone of the 1985 law, even if it wasn't always honored.
Nearly every district did better than under the proposed formula with that cash infusion, but there were no guarantees that the money would stay in future budgets.
The proposed formula will distribute more cash for free school meal pupils at secondaries (# 1,225 per pupil) compared with primaries (# 980).
She demonstrates a layering of literacy by combining reading and writing with her proposed formula.
The proposed formula for determining compensation for expropriated property is set out in s12 of Chapter 5 of the Bill.
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