Sentences with phrase «proposed new rules»

Further, proposed new rules on the sale of business assets, will make it more attractive to sell those assets to an unrelated third party rather than to family members.
Researchers are also upset over proposed new rules for postdocs, including one requiring they obtain permission from the director of an institute to take part in a conference of other public meetings and another demanding at least 1 year doing research outside their home institute.
School boards governing domestic schools operated by the Department of Defense would be prevented from having the final say on hiring superintendents under proposed new rules clarifying the status of the boards.
The FAA is expected to formally propose a new rule by the end of the year to allow pilots over 60 to captain commercial airline flights provided there is another pilot in the cockpit under that age.
In March, OSFI unveiled a series of proposed new rules governing mortgage loan underwriting.
On Monday, the US Environmental Protection Agency proposed the new rules, which constitute — in Mr. Podesta's words — the «crown jewels» of the Climate Action Plan that Mr. Obama unveiled last summer.
Update: The CRTC proposed new rules today that owners of video services like Shomi and CraveTV offer video services to all Canadians either over the Internet or through a TV subscription.
New York state is proposing new rules requiring banks and insurance companies to establish cybersecurity programs and designate an internal cybersecurity officer, in what Gov. Andrew Cuomo described as a «first - in - the - nation» move to codify cyber safety policies.
Now Downing Street has indicated the Conservative party is prepared to consider proposing new rules which would make it much harder for strikes to take place.
ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration on Monday proposed a new rule that would require credit reporting agencies to register with the state, subjecting them to strict cybersecurity standards in the wake of the recent Equifax hack.
In March of 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that it was considering proposing new rules to payday lending that would «prevent or protect» borrowers.
This fall, the Obama administration proposed a new rule that would prevent states from withholding federal family planning funds from health centers for any reason other than their ability to provide quality medical care.
The SNP leader also faces accusations of trying to exert «Stalinist» discipline over proposed new rules banning her MPs from speaking out against party policy.
This decision came in response to «a so - called European Citizens» Initiative (ECI) signed by 1.17 million signatories [that] formally urged the commission to... propose new rules phasing out animal research in favor of «more accurate, reliable, human - relevant methods.
Updated Jan. 5, 2018: The Trump administration pushed ahead with efforts to expand access to association health plans this week, formally proposing new rules requested via an executive order President Donald Trump signed in October.
The U.S. Department of Education proposes a new rule aimed at improving equity in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for students of color.
Toronto's mayor says proposed new rules for the city's short - term rental market, including properties listed on Airbnb, would help strike a balance between the need for such accommodations and the disruptions they can cause to local neighbourhoods.
May 18 (UPI)-- The Trump administration on Friday proposed a new rule to prevent some federal funding from going to organizations that provide abortions.
Officials in California proposed new rules on Friday that would let companies test autonomous cars on public roads with no human driver present.
The California Department of Motor Vehicles had also recently proposed new rules for the self - driving car industry.
A U.S. consumer watchdog on Thursday proposed new rules to block credit card companies, banks, and other companies from forcing customers to waive their rights to join class action lawsuits and only settle disputes through arbitration.
Amazon's proposed delivery service hit some significant turbulence Sunday with proposed new rules for drone operation from the Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Transportation.
Through an executive order, the Trump administration is considering reforming guest worker visas as part of a larger push for immigration reform, although officials have not proposed any new rules that would target companies with the H - 1B «dependent» classification.
On August 26, 2016, USCIS announced proposed new rules for international entrepreneurs in an attempt to create an alternative to a Startup Visa.
He is homegrown under old and proposed new rules so very valuable.
Chicago Park District officials Monday proposed new rules designed to prevent graft and favoritism in the awarding of boat moorings in the city «s eight public harbors.
Norton said it's unclear if Obama could do that without proposing a new rule, which might not be done before he leaves office.
Federal regulators propose new rules to answer long - burning questions about electronic cigarettes
The department also will soon propose new rules for every state that would make it easier to assess students with...
Proposed new rules intended to keep closer tabs on eligibility for the federal migrant education program could be costly and burdensome for states — and lead to decreased participation of migrant families, according to officials who implement the program in some states.
The Education Department this month proposed new rules governing changes in the federal early - intervention program for disabled infants and toddlers.
The Utah State Board of Education gave preliminary approval to the following proposed new rules or changes to existing rules.
the SEC proposes new rules to limit fund sales charges, improve transparency of fees for investors, encourage retail price competition, and revise fund director oversight duties.
The artist proposes a new rule for a better world: creating something, offering it, and maybe having it rejected — but gifting it anyway?
As we noted last night, the global warming deniers were sure to start firing on all carbon - emitting pistons this week in response to the Obama EPA's landmark announcement todayof proposed new rules to decrease harmful, climate - destabilizing CO2 pollution from existing dirty power plants, as per the U.S. Supreme Court - mandated enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
On Monday, EPA is set to release proposed new rules limiting carbon emissions from existing power plants.
Streetcode Proposes New Rules for the Road - Heaviest Vehicle Bears the Weight of Responsibility
Not - for - profit campaign group, the Association of Personal Lawyers (APIL), has criticised proposed new rules on how insurance companies search their historical records if a potential claim for compensation is being made against them, saying that they are «wide of the mark».
A petition that proposes to restyle the Criminal Rules, specifically proposed new Rule 31.10 (g), is expected to be on the Court's August Rules Agenda.
On June 28, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the «SEC») proposed a new rule [1] requiring SEC registered investment advisers («advisers») to adopt and implement a business continuity and transition plan (a «BCTP») to...
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation proposes new rules to the Driver Education and Safety program rules (16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 84, Subchapter C, § 84.48; and proposes amendments at Subchapter D, § 84.51; Subchapter M, § § 84.500, 84.502 and 84.503; and Subchapter N, § 84.600).
On Monday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai proposed new rules that would bar broadband companies from using a government subsidy program to buy telecom equipment from companies that pose a national security threat.
Across the Atlantic, the European Commission proposed new rules to remove geo - restrictions on digital subscriptions - such as those for Netflix and Spotify - for citizens across the European Union.
Last week the Department of Health and Human Services proposed a new rule that would prevent states from defunding organizations such as Planned Parenthood for political reasons.
COMMENT 16: One commenter opined that the child custody evaluation proposed new rules are not covered under rulemaking authority for 2009's Senate Bill 235.
COMMENT 3: One commenter supported proposed New Rule I, stating that it is hard to find a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) supervisor in rural areas.
A federal court eventually ordered the EPA to propose a new rule by midnight Thursday.
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed new rules to cut methane emissions.
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