Sentences with phrase «proposed schedule of fees»

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At noon, the Assembly will hold a joint public hearing to examine the adequacy of the fee schedule for medical provider reimbursement proposed by the Workers» Compensation Board to be used under both the workers» compensation system and the no - fault system and to determine its impact on access to quality treatment and return to work rates, Hearing Room B, LOB, Albany.
Each utility proposed fee schedules to facilitate the program, and regulators said there were no objections to any of the plans.
The WCA supports the proposed measures to lower medical costs by imposing new fee schedules and by reducing the amount of time it takes to get approval for medical services.
The full text of the WCA's comments to the Workers» Compensation Board regarding the proposed fee schedule can be found here.
The proposed revision of the medical fee schedule would only serve to exacerbate the existing set of disincentives for specialists and high - quality physicians to participate in the system.
Conducted financial analysis to determined impact of all proposed fee schedule changes for senior management review.
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