Sentences with phrase «proposed steps»

But industry has a history of predicting a falling sky when government, responding to public or scientific concern, proposes steps designed to protect the environment or public safety.
They also propose steps for making the tracks safer, including systems to warn of approaching trains, trails to provide escape routes, clearing vegetation around the tracks, and fencing around hot spots.
This presentation will seek to examine what is known about on - farm losses, identify major gaps in knowledge, and propose steps forward for how to demystify the nature of food loss at the production level.
Government reform groups say they are pleased that New York Governor Cuomo has now proposed step one in his plan to clean up corruption in state government, following two high profile arrests of state lawmakers.
Government reform groups say they are pleased that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has now proposed step one in his plan to clean up corruption in state government, following two high profile arrests of state lawmakers.
But the agency said the latest proposed steps are meant to further alleviate the rules» effects on community institutions and rural populations.
Students who spend extended time in seeking to understand this problem and propose steps toward its solution will have to become conversant with the interconnections of climate, soils, agricultural practices, the social context of farmers, the relation of peasant farmers and agribusiness, governmental policies that affect the production of food, the earth's natural resources, technology, the various existing and possible economies, and many other things.
«Governor Cuomo proposed steps to upgrade these two major gateways to the state, including assuming management responsibility for airport construction from the Port Authority to ensure these critical transportation hubs are modernized efficiently and quickly.»
Like the Humanists who created, a posteriori, the concept of The Dark Ages (as opposed to later periods of «light»), this exhibition proposes a step back — a salutary one?
It was appalling that the July G - 8 meeting proposed steps for world health with nary a mention of the roles of organic wastes and sewage.
This Viewpoint reviews the assessment and treatment of insomnia disorder and proposes a step algorithm for evaluating, treating, and monitoring patients.
Greece has proposed steps to reduce early retirement, increase contributions and phase out an additional payment for the poorest retirees by 2020.
This policy brief outlines the reasons educators need to learn more about adoption issues, explains the negative consequences of a lack of knowledge, and proposes steps that teachers, schools, curriculum developers and institutions of higher education can make progress toward placing all children and families on a level playing field in the classroom and beyond.
He proposed stepping up efforts to investigate and prosecute federal firearms licensees who sell guns to criminals.
The proposed steps, however, are rather modest and incremental.
The proposed steps include «encouraging more United States citizens to pursue careers in mathematics, science, and engineering» via tens of thousands of fellowships and «introducing reforms in the nation's... immigration... policies» to admit more technically trained people from abroad.
Normally I propose a step - by step process for making a dietary change, but considering where commercial milk has come from, and what it has been through, it is best to just remove it from the diet altogether.
proposing steps to improve schools» access to clinically, culturally and linguistically appropriate services for their students;
And slowly it will become popular to propose steps that go further, and politicians that take the bit in their teeth get rewarded.»
When he proposes steps to improve oil industry safety, we hope he won't say, «Let's make sure this never happens again.»
So long as an operator serves a counter-notice stating either that a person is not entitled to seek removal or specifying the proposed steps for retaining apparatus, which can include exercising the powers under paras 5 and 6, the court will not make an order unless it is satisfied that an operator is not intending to take the specified steps or that such steps will not entitle the operator to keep or reinstall equipment.
Most people have potentially damaging inaccuracies on their reports that they are not aware of and could be hurting their scores, so Mortgage Delivery Guy will look at, and propose steps you can take to dispute questionable listings with the credit bureaus.
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