Sentences with phrase «prose writer»

A "prose writer" is someone who writes in regular, everyday language without using poetry or verse. They create stories, novels, essays, and other forms of written work that are straightforward and easy to understand. Full definition
The F Bomb Flash Fiction Series highlights prose writers who can deliver a story in a thousand words or less.
This mindset hampered the reception of the work of Mikhail Shishkin, a popular contemporary Russian prose writer.
To be sure, Maeterlinck, when he was suggested for membership in the French Academy, the first Belgian in history to be so honored, wrote a letter to Le Journal asking that they choose instead «my old friend Emile Verhaeren, first, because he is my elder; second, because he is a very great poet, while I am only an industrious and conscientious prose writer.
It's healthy for directors to try new things, if only to stay fresh and develop their skills, just as it's probably a good idea for respected prose writers, such as Eggers and Vida, to write a screenplay now and again.
From Kafka to Carroll, some of the greatest prose writers ever to live chose to produce shorter novels.
Crosbie is a seriously dazzling and original prose writer, and it's a joy to be in her world.
Chapbooks seemed to disappear until the 19th century, but in the last 100 years, they've resurfaced, mainly among poetry and short prose writers.
Michael Kelly — long - time author - friend in my local critique group, Michael writes and draws comics and is an as - yet - unpublished prose writer.
Considered one of the most innovative prose writers at work today, Barry Beckham has impressed legions of readers with his novels and nonfiction articles.
Several of the novels have big - name prose writers attached: Orson Scott Card and Max Brooks have both contributed scripts, and two adaptations of writer James Patterson's works are in IDW's first round of releases.
In one of the more interesting prose writer to comics signings this year, Hugo / Nebula / World Fantasy Award winner Nnedi Okorafor's Black Panther series is out.
The Beat Holy Trinity was composed of poet Allen Ginsberg, novelist Jack Kerouac and experimental prose writer Burroughs.
The Hub City Writers Project offers three ten - or fifteen - week residencies each year at the Writers House in Spartanburg, South Carolina, for emerging poets and prose writers who are pursuing a graduate degree in creative...
And I thrill to his voice as a prose writer, a voice that makes authoritative statements on behalf of authority.
Critic Jonathan Holden saw Cairns's early work as a significant innovation in American poetry in its effort to «retrieve some of the important subject matter» and «moral urgency» that poets had long ceded to prose writers.
As part of its Hispanic Heritage Month celebration, the Library of Congress has launched an online selection of recordings from its Archive of Hispanic Literature on Tape, a series of audio recordings of renowned poets and prose writers...
Poets, playwrights and prose writers are all included.
Prose writers may apply in spring 2019 for the 2019 - 20 Residences.
It was founded by Vivian Dorsel, formerly managing editor of The Berkshire Review for eight years, who selected the members of the editorial staff for their love of the written word, their high standards of literary judgment, and their desire to offer a voice to prose writers and poets who might not find publication opportunities in more mainstream journals.
Nina Yeboah is a reader, prose writer, and black art enthusiast.
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