Sentences with phrase «prosecution decisions»

It also met resistance from the Armed Services Committee's Democratic Chairman, Sen. Carl Levin, who replaced Gillibrand's provision with a measure that would require review of prosecution decisions by more senior military leaders.
Sen. Carl Levin, who replaced Gillibrand's provision with a measure that would require review of prosecution decisions by more senior military leaders.
While we consult on reform, the attorney general has herself decided, except if the law or national security requires it, not to make key prosecution decisions in individual criminal cases».
In effect, this arrangement would codify the position as reported by the prime minister in his statement on constitutional reform in July 2007 that the attorney general had decided that during the consultation process, she would not «make key prosecution decisions in individual criminal cases» (unless the law or national security required it).
Levin replaced an earlier provision by Gillibrand with one that would require prosecution decisions to be reviewed by more senior leaders and would make it a crime to retaliate against those who report assaults.
(Also, prosecutors have absolute immunity for their discretionary prosecution decisions, and judges have absolute immunity for their judicial decisions, and you can't sue jurors unless they accepted a bribe or something like that.)
However, if there is no victim in a deferred prosecution case, the prosecutor who renders the deferred prosecution decision shall directly send the case files to the chief prosecutor of the superior court or the attorney general for reconsideration.
Instead, the bill approved by the committee last week would require review of prosecution decisions by more senior leaders and would make it a crime to retaliate against those who report an assault.
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