Sentences with phrase «prospective observational study»

30CARE Study Group (2008) Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and risk of fetal growth restriction: a large prospective observational study.
Research is starting to address these issues by using different types of trials that do a better job simulating «real life», and these pragmatic trials look a lot like prospective observational studies.
Tagliabue A, Bertoli S, Trentani C, Borrelli P, Veggiotti P. Effects of the ketogenic diet on nutritional status, resting energy expenditure, and substrate oxidation in patients with medically refractory epilepsy: A 6 - month prospective observational study.
This article describes the study design and methodology of the Western Canada Study, with emphasis on herd - selection criteria and study implementation, the collection of herd - production data, and the challenges of tracking individual animals in a large prospective observational study - as the Western Canada Study is the largest on - farm study of its kind in North American cow - calf herds to date.
In a systematic review and meta - analysis of 28 prospective observational studies, representing 1,109,272 participants, every additional cup of caffeinated and decaffeinated Kona consumed in a day was associated with a 9 % (95 % CI 6 %, 11 %) and 6 % (95 % CI 2 %, 9 %) lowered type 2 diabetes, respectively.
In a systematic review and meta - analysis of 28 prospective observational studies, representing 1,109,272 participants, every additional cup of caffeinated and decaffeinated kona consumed in a day was associated with a 9 % (95 % CI 6 %, 11 %) and 6 % (95 % CI 2 %, 9 %) lower risk of type 2 diabetes, respectively.
Researchers conducted a prospective observational study in elderly patients and adult patients receiving antiplatelet therapy who presented with mild head injury at two trauma hospitals in Vienna: the Trauma Hospital Meidling and the Donauspital.
Not only does it use a small sample size, but it is a non-randomized, non-blinded, prospective observational study that may also be confounded by selection bias — in other words, the subjects may not be representative of the population of individuals with IBD.
In summary, prospective observational studies have documented that increased fruit and vegetable intake is associated with a reduced risk of stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases.
From the Netherlands, we have a prospective observational study looking at whether the female relatives of 790 autoimmune thyroid disease patients would progress to overt hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism [22].
This is considerably higher than the dietary calcium intake in the highest quarter or fifth in the prospective observational studies.
A prospective observational study * was conducted on 121 dogs and 30 cats to describe cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and evaluate factors associated with outcome after cardiopulmonary arrest.
Adult psychosocial outcomes of men and women who were looked - after or adopted as children: prospective observational study
This prospective observational study bolsters our notion of what is «normal» bruising in preschool children, lending some insight into when evaluation for bleeding diathesis or child abuse should be considered.
This prospective observational study helps though still doesn't provide a definitive set of «rules» for triggering evaluation.
This prospective observational study provides some hard data about serious cardiac injury persisting after major pediatric burn injury.
A prospective observational study showed that out of 305 treatments with levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive tablets, seven women became pregnant resulting in an overall failure rate of 2.3 %.
A Prospective Observational Study of Two - Week - Wait Colorectal Referrals
A prospective observational study of 33 breastfeeding women receiving St John's Wort [84] found no differences in the frequency of decreased milk production nor in infants» weight over the first year of life compared with a control group.
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