Sentences with phrase «prostrate themselves»

This is also due to the much higher success rate the medical profession has for treating prostrate and breast cancer patients than in past years.
One appellate judge said the map was «reminiscent of a broken - winged pterodactyl, lying prostrate across the center of the state.»
At one point, Cosell utters these words: «Ed Asner... the body prostrate...» Proof of fame: Cosell appeared in three Woody Allen movies.
Foundation and the Education Center for Prostrate Cancer Patients.
Just because I didn't fall prostrate at the feet of your Climate Hero, it doesn't mean I didn't understand his argument.
Whatever else, it says we need to be prostrate — to get off our high horses — to get anywhere near the truth.
Another problem with a local press prostrate to provincial deep - pocket interests and unwilling to challenge its readership's prejudices is that people tend to tune out.
Before the recent climate warming, larch in windswept conditions with little snow was represented only by prostrate growth form.
To date, prostrate plants have transformed into multi-stemmed trees up to 5 - 6 m high and young trees aged up to 50 - 60 years are mainly single - stemmed.
Are all Irish climate fetishists so prostrate before authority?
If you're that prostrate before authority, these are the authorities to be prostrate before.
It is estimated that nearly half of all men over 70 will get prostrate cancer.
This discussion reminds me a little about the health care debate on prostrate cancer.
Thicker, more prostrate stems and a darker brown than sage.
I'm sure the grateful Chinese (and maybe the Indians too), will shower you with garlands, and prostrate themselves before.
Tags: almonds, antioxidants, apples, baked beans, bananas, bean, blackberries, blood pressure, blueberries, broccoli, cranberries, dark chocolate, eggs, garlic, grapefruits, lentils, milk, muesli, oats, oranges, osteoporosis, porridge, prostrate cancer, pumpkin seeds, red kidney beans, salmon, spinach, super foods, sweet potatoe, tea, tomatoes, tune, turkey, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, Vitamin E, walnuts, watercress, whole wheat pasta.
«On a mundane level, Mike was one of the early CalArts artists who chose not to go to New York and prostrate themselves in front of an uncaring gallery system,» noted Lawson.
In Di Grass - Beyond the Bladez (2014) is ornate: Fields of green, yellow, and red obscure a prostrate black male figure with a bleached face.
Various positions show it, here bending down prostrate with your back to the audience, there shaking the head violently, arms raised high in victory form.
An interesting result of the growing power of the market is that artists and their dealers are looking for ways, through copyright law, to con trol what is written or broadcast about the work, so as to prevent critics who might feel less than prostrate admiration for it from saying anything about it at all.
Her provocative images depict her scrubbing city streets, straddling or lying prostrate over ironing boards, mopping the floor with her hair.
As you travel through the galleries from gallery one through to gallery six you'll see these apertures, these absences, these holes in various galleries and everything becomes a little more clearer once you reach gallery 6, where you will see the exhausted prostrate men and man, the artists naked the the Wile E. Coyote exhausted laying on the floor.
From prostrate to upright, ground to sky, nature to culture, Choksi invites a reconsideration of the most basic elements of human existence in light of all that they make possible.
Even given Caravaggio's reputation as a transgressive realist, it does seem a bit odd to see his naked, prostrate Christ adorning someone's baseball cap, giving new meaning to the saying that his art is in your face.
A similar confusion inhabits Ferbenlaare (2005), in which a prostrate, corpse - like male figure dressed in a dreary harlequin pattern stares up through a tight grid of brightly coloured squares.
In a video alcove, a lean young man, dressed well enough to sit behind the desk at Mary Boone, tap dances above a prostrate body.
One painting from 1946 depicts a blood - red claw menacing a prostrate body as the Eiffel Tower looms in the distance.
If only one leader is knocked out inside a cave, he will be lying prostrate in front of the ship even after leaving the cave.
You may even prostrate yourself if things are looking particularly dire.
Villa Leha - Leha takes its name from the Javanese word for peace, day - dreaming, relaxing, or being empty - minded while lying prostrate and gazing at the sky!
Stanley himself after catching it, described the symptoms as «oppressive languor, excessive drowsiness» and an «incipient fever which shortly will rage through the system, laying the sufferer prostrate and quivering with agony.»
Unaltered males have a considerably higher rate of developing prostrate cancer.
Altering pets at a young age diminishes or eliminates deadly cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries and testicles, and reduces the possibility of prostrate disease.
I am finding that the more time I spend prostrate on the floor with the dogs taking turns hovering over my head and panting, the more I find myself contemplating the age old question:
While enrolled, Mike went through radiation and drug treatments for prostrate cancer and was very pleased with the support and flexibility that ABC provided.
Your vet will palpitate your dog's bladder, urethra, rectum, and, if your dog is male, prostrate to check for signs of bladder cancer.
Neutering reduces the risk of testicular cancer and decreases the incidence of prostrate disease.
It can also guard against testicular cancer and prostrate problems.
It's no secret, dogs can identify several cancers, including prostrate, breast, colon, lung, thyroid, ovarian, and melanoma.
«People take drugs that block testosterone with a goal to help shrink the prostrate, the same drugs can be given to dogs.
Don't let anyone scare you with the prostrate cancer thing either.
Male dogs that have been neutered have a lower incidence of prostrate cancer than those who were not altered.
These animals will be bred solely for purposes of drug testing for substances like weed killers, pharmaceutical drugs and other industrial chemicals, as well as surgery pertaining to organ transplants and treatments for prostrate cancer.
It is sometimes intellectually difficult to imagine crowds and throngs of people praying for rain and sacrificing virgins to angry gods, but how willingly politicos and pundits prostrate themselves before the Shamans of the Gates Foundation, The Broad, the Waltons.
But while I may shake my fist towards the character designers, I will happily prostrate myself before whoever designs the environments at Monolith Soft, because dear Zanza they are beautiful.
Ex Machina could still power on through, with more theatres due once the Ultron hullabaloo dies down, and more international openings, too, including France on 3 June — whose audiences can always be relied on to prostrate themselves before Cartesian - debate - provoking robobabes.
Swayze weeping over the prostrate body of Sheen, after all, is a little gay.
Abducted by a local tribe of «Naturals» (and hence, the British are the «unnaturals») during a scouting mission, he's brought into the centre of something that reveals itself to him as ritual (really, every movement of the Naturals is played as ritual in the film) and finds, in one of dozens of parallel images, Smith prostrate on the ground as a man walks above him, suspended on reeds.
Barker in writing batters defenses and leaves you prostrate before it; Barker projected feels formal, overdone, even ridiculous.
Older brother has other health problems — prostrate cancer, Parkinson's disease.
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