Sentences with phrase «protected from outsiders»

Even if the school is protected from outsiders, it could be attacked by a current student.
Our firewall protects us from outsiders coming into the system and hacking information.
Burying: Some dogs will choose to hide their favourite things underground in order to keep them safe and protect them from outsiders that may steal them.

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Today, it's a messaging platform like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or WeChat and is known as an easy place to create group chats and for its focus on encryption and privacy, protecting conversations from being viewed by outsiders.
But Shiller said the psychology and patriotism of bubbles — the idea that a national can't spot the problems that an outsider can — are not represented by Canada's low default rates and a system of mortgage insurance that protects banks from default.
I think a combination of urban legend and self - protecting midwives surrounding my son's birth and death, and then later sheer intimidation at my growing practice in spite of complete lack of support from the home birth committee continued to solidify my being the outsider.
This strategy protected the Social Democrats from the losses to the Left Party and the increase in non-voting among outsiders that occurred in 1998, but it had other costs.
The Matis themselves settled down in the 1970s; in 1996, they assisted FUNAI in making first contact with one group of Korubo, a contact FUNAI initiated in order to protect the Korubo from incursions by outsiders (see photo).
Your cute puppy's ancestors survived by forming packs that hunted together, communally protected young, and defended territory from outsiders.
The title itself means that this dog was kept in the previous times to be bred and trained to catch bigger animals such as wild boar, as well as to protect the livestock from outsiders.
Deafness may have been long - established in a breed but kept hidden from outsiders to protect reputations.
Protected for centuries from the outside world by its surrounding walls, the village of Tenganan has maintained its ancient pre-Hindu customs through a strong code of non-fraternization with outsiders that continues today.
For Australia, the most startling claim of the Pentagon Report is that we, along with the United States, may find ourselves building «defensive fortresses» around our country to protect our resources from desperate outsiders and aggressive states created by rapid and unpredictable climate change.
For hundreds of years, the bears have been protected from bounty hunters by the First Nations of British Columbia, who kept their very existence a secret from outsiders.
These people really aren't at all used to having their dodgy theories exposed to serious scrutiny: that's what «peer review» was for — to protect them from any awkward questions from outsiders by making darned sure it was only sympathetic fellow - travellers on the climate change gravy train who got to vet their drivel.
Was their intent to hide something, in fear of exposure, and lose standing within community, funding, tenure, etc (Judith's feedback description), or was their intent to protect the science from outsiders whom they felt would misrepresent their work in a way that would confuse the public on an important policy matter.
For the transport of secure information, usually during the upload / download processes, many sites simply use Transport Layer Security or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer, to protect data from being compromised by outsiders while in transit.
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