Sentences with phrase «protecting workers from»

HKM Employment Attorneys has experience protecting workers from companies of various sizes and across multiple industries.
The British Safety Council's International Safety Awards recognise and celebrate organisations who have demonstrated a real commitment to protecting their workers from the risk of injury and ill health during the 2015 calendar year.
The group made its case at a meeting in Brussels late last month, when an amendment to a European directive protecting workers from biological hazards at work came into force.
«What we are seeing in our research is that protecting workers from hazards and supporting their health requires a more holistic approach, what NIOSH refers to as Total Worker Health.
By protecting workers from wage theft, we protect families and we protect everyone's quality of life.
Some in the Legislature say the policy doesn't go far enough in protecting workers from inappropriate workplace behavior.
ALBANY — A group of women who have accused state lawmakers of sexual harassment joined together Thursday to urge the Legislature and Gov. Cuomo to slow down and get it right when it comes to passing new laws aimed at protecting workers from mistreatment.
But it occurred also because of government laws protecting workers from extreme exploitation and from the organizing work of the employees themselves.
Years of pressure from laborer organizers, along with changes from companies like Ford Motor, reformed working conditions in the U.S. and protected workers from schedules that endangered their health and safety.
If accepted, the bill would protect workers from being required to wear unsafe footwear as part of dress and uniform codes
«We encourage the federal government to take meaningful steps to further protect workers from harassment and violence.
In neither case did the need to retain workers, or protect workers from risk, come up.
Governments competing with each other to attract the investment they now needed were under pressure to lower already low wages and to avoid enforcing any rules they might have to protect workers from exploitation and the environment from pollution.
On behalf of the Rainforest Alliance, they are training tea estate workers and smallholder farmers to adopt simple, time - tested methods that safeguard soil health and water quality and protect workers from dangerous chemical exposure.
At various points, he recognizes the legitimacy of all four common justifications of market regulation: to protect workers from exploitation, to protect consumers, to protect third parties harmed by market transactions (through externalities), and to preserve the stability of the economy or society as a whole (e.g., through regulation of the financial sector).
Cuomo also announced new measures to protect workers from dangerous on - the - job chemicals, including new ventilation requirements in nail salons that will go into effect on August 1.
Take rules against steel dumping, which protect our workers from competition from China.
«Everywhere you turned, you saw a lawn sign, a car magnet or a button urging a «No» vote — a sign that NYSUT, and labor, remains a strong force in New York state fighting to protect workers from wealthy special interests.»
«True progress to protect workers from sexual harassment, and overhaul Albany's terrible mechanisms for handling complaints, must include listening to the victims who have actually endured the process,» they wrote.
So he has tabled a parliamentary motion to protect workers from having to work in uncomfortably hot conditions.
At 11 a.m., AG Eric Schneiderman will announce a new lawsuit to protect workers from wage theft, 120 Broadway, 25th floor, Manhattan.
Thursday's unanimous vote the Erie County Legislature follows claims - and a notice of intention to file legal action - by a county employee who accuses Erie County of not doing enough to protect workers from sexual harassment.
The issue was raised by Green party MP Caroline Lucas, who also warned the bill was scrapping regulations which protected workers from injury, ill - health and abuse.
The proposed amendments would raise the law's original salary cap for protected workers from $ 25 an hour to $ 35, and include employees who work for an office building tenant with at least 30,000 square foot of space.
«True progress to protect workers from sexual harassment, and overhaul Albany's terrible mechanisms for handling complaints, must include listening to the victims who have actually endured the process.»
Based on the findings of this study, these preventive measures are not sufficient to protect all workers from kidney injury.
For example, self - cleaning clothing could protect workers from harmful chemicals.
In October 2009, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said it would soon issue a «compliance directive» to ensure that health - care facilities have controls in place to protect workers from occupational exposures to swine flu.
iii) Prosecution for Workplace Harassment: Prosecution, the most serious enforcement mechanism, has not yet been utilized in relation to workplace harassment, although several Canadian employers have faced prosecution now for failure to protect workers from workplace violence.
The Action Plan suggests the OHSA amendments could include a new employer obligation to «make every reasonable effort to protect workers from harassment, including sexual harassment in the workplace».
Other changes, which could include new harassment - related employer or supervisory duties, work refusal rights, or enforcement provisions for employers who fail to protect workers from sexual harassment might effect more significant workplace change and would certainly change the OHS landscape for employers.
While women are often the victims of workplace sexual harassment, both men and women can experience sexual harassment at work and Illinois and federal law recognize that reality and protects all workers from unwanted workplace sexual harassment.
He saw unions as a way to protect workers from exploitation but fought tooth and nail to make sure that his union never exploited the employer as well.
Response: The amended OHSA requires employers to protect workers from workplace harassment as a distinct new duty.
We are not of the view, however, that the employer or complainants should call police in order to attempt to meet the amended workplace harassment requirements under the OHSA to protect workers from harassment by conducting an investigation into an incident or complaint that is appropriate in the circumstances.
Civil rights laws are meant to protect workers from mistreatment based on race, religion, sex, disability or age.
Since part of the duty on the employer to protect workers from harassment is to ensure that an investigation, appropriate in the circumstances, is conducted, it appears that an MOL inspector could assess the appropriateness of the investigation and order an employer to re-do all or part of an investigation — even after corrective action has been taken.
OSHA has set three particular standards to protect workers from this threat.
The Ontario Human Rights Code protects workers from discrimination based on their criminal record but only in cases where it is provincially regulated employment, regardless of whether they have received a pardon.
Employers, in addition to their obligation to protect workers from workplace violence, must make every reasonable effort to protect workers from harassment, including sexual harassment in the workplace.
The right to refuse unsafe work protects workers from any form of reprisal for exercising this right, including loss of compensation or benefits.
However, it is illegal to ignore employment laws, such as the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 that protects workers from any type of different treatment based on age.
Alberta law also protects workers from discrimination in the workplace.
Falls: A safe worksite should use appropriate equipment such as guardrails and safety nets that protect workers from falls.
Human rights legislation protects workers from age discrimination at every stage of their employment.
Both Pennsylvania and federal laws protect workers from sexual harassment.
Unfortunately, hard hats do little to protect workers from suffering a head, brain or spinal cord injury.
Under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (the «OHSA»), employers have a general duty to protect their workers from workplace hazards and occupational illnesses.
These same laws also protect workers from retaliation by their employers.
Although employees have a duty not to put themselves in danger, employers have a legal responsibility to take reasonable steps to protect their workers from harm.
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