Sentences with phrase «protection against oxidative stress»

These provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer.
Its flesh is a concentrated source of the antioxidants betacarotene and anthocyanins (in purple - fleshed varieties), which offer protection against oxidative stress, congestion and free radicals damage to your eyes, skin and liver.
«This reductive power is necessary to allow conversion of excess sugar into fat and provide protection against oxidative stress that can occur during sugar metabolism.
Adaptogens like Rhodiola rosea contain a variety of active compounds that seem to offer protection against oxidative stress — the prime cause of aging.
Researchers worldwide are continuing to make seminal discoveries characterizing the unique properties of NR in a wide range of health benefits, including increased mitochondrial health, increased muscle endurance, neuroprotection, sirtuin activation, protection against weight gain on high - fat diet, protection against oxidative stress and improvement of blood glucose and insulin sensitivity.
Some preliminary studies have shown that substances extracted from Chinese red pine may offer certain health benefits (such as anti-tumor effects and protection against oxidative stress), while extracts of Scots pine may possess cancer - fighting properties.
A study published in 2010 used coconut oil to show that a diet enriched in the saturated fatty acids of coconut oil offered strong advantages for the protection against oxidative stress in heart mitochondria.3
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