Sentences with phrase «protection is an easy decision»

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With free $ 200 overdraft protection, it's an easy decision.
The best way for a parent to get maximum power, protections, and right is to get: 1) sole legal custody (so that the parent can make all major decisions without his input and without court approval); 2) the most days and overnights of parenting time as the court will allow; and 3) very specific language throughout the final custody / divorce order that spells out exactly which activities and behaviors that the parents must either perform or are prohibited from doing (so that if the other parent violates, then it will be easier to prove the violation to the court and therefore get some sort of remedy, such as finding the other parent in contempt of court).
The decision to pursue bankruptcy protection may not be one that's easy to make, but it could change your life by potentially getting you out of debt.
Creditors will most likely be much easier to deal with when they can see that a company has protection established to make the loan decisions easier.
Don't put off your decision when it couldn't be any easier to give your family the protection they deserve.
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