Sentences with phrase «protection of minorities»

Dr. Attig pioneered a corporate governance study on expropriation and protection of minority shareholders in Canada and their effects on corporate valuation and stock market liquidity.
«We want to secure the rights and equal protection of the minority and women business owners guaranteed under the 14th amendment, regardless of the administration.»
The Charlottesville Daily Progress broke the story: Letters Urged Protection of Minorities From Higher Electricity Costs Pointing out that «our state gets 56 % of its electricity from coal,» the letter urged Perriello to vote against the American Clean Energy & Security Act in order to «protect minorities and other consumers in your district from higher electricity bills.»
Workshop «Constitutional Protection of Minorities — Comparing Concepts, Models and Experiences in Asia and in Europe»
It will be Canada's job to explain the benefits of NAFTA, of North American co-operation, of multilateralism, of the protection of minorities, and of the entire international liberal order.
The road map intends to improve corporate governance in Russian companies in relation to the protection of minority rights.
Muslims only pay lip service to the protection of minority religions.
That core is the protection of the minority in fundamental matters from the oppression of the majority, no matter bow sincerely or passionately the majority makes its claims.
To be allowed to apply to join the EU, Catalonia as an independent nation must be able to demonstrate they meet the Copenhagen Criteria which are defined as follows Political criteria: Stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities; Economic criteria: A functioning market...
Third, secessionist entities were to make provision for the protection of minorities.
Lastly, the episode raises questions about the protection of minority rights against the will of the majority, a tenet of liberal democracy.
Stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities;
Membership requires that candidate country has achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights, respect for and protection of minorities, the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.
Even though the reasons for adopting the federal system were mainly for the protection of the minority so that power is spread evenly, in practice, power has continued to concentrate at the center.
I also welcome the continued work of my right hon. Friend the Member for Cynon Valley (Ann Clwyd) in her capacity as the Prime Minister's Envoy for Human Rights in Iraq on the protection of minority communities.»
The third plan would be subject to amendments that must comply with specific criteria, including the protection of minority voting rights, and could not affect more than two percent of the population of any district.
The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) wrote an extensive judgment, addressing federalism, the rule of law, democracy, constitutionalism and the protection of minorities as interrelated and equally important principles as to whether Québec could unilaterally secede (separate from Canada).
We can advise on the protection of minority interests.
The claimants argued that the Commission had failed in its duty to provide reasons generally under Article 296 (2) TFEU and specifically under Article 4 (3) of the Regulation for why they had refused registration of a proposal for various different legal acts in different areas relating to protection of minorities.
Just as the protection of minority language, religion and education rights were central to Confederation, the protection of Quebec interests by a minimum number of Quebec judges was central to the creation of the Supreme Court.
Senators have used C - 6 as an opportunity to demonstrate how the Senate still plays an important role in independently improving legislation, and in the protection of minorities.
The protection of the minority shareholder is today seen as a key feature of an effective corporate governance regime.
Advocacy coordinators work for several socio - economic causes such as higher budget allocation for poor, ensuring transparency in finances, promotion of health and wellness activities, propagation children and women welfare or protection of minorities.
Martinez, M., Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, UN Doc E / CN.4 / Sub.2 / 1999/20.
As was stated in the first session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities in 1947:
A number of informative and educative United Nations reports on the relationship of Indigenous people to their land have been submitted through the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.
To ensure the protection of minority groups or Indigenous people, mechanisms for protection may require differential treatment under the law, to ensure equal outcomes and to take account of cultural specificity - this differential treatment is the principle of substantive equality.
Martinez, M., Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations, Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (UN document E / CN.4 / Sub.2 / 1999/20), 22 June 1999, para 263.
Respect and protection of minority or Indigenous culture also contemplates the exercise of culture and rights in a contemporary context and does not restrict the circumstances of minority or Indigenous culture to an anachronistic, «frozen in time» interpretation.
[71] The purpose of particular measures for the protection of minorities is to maintain basic characteristics which distinguish minorities from the majority of the population, and hence institute factual equality between members of the minority group and other individuals.
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