Sentences with phrase «protection of others»

That is not protection or equal rights or protection of other religions That is what I am talking about.
Many studies have documented increased healing speeds of wounds, protection of other organs such as liver and kidneys, and of course safety as well.
It also seeks institutional reform and new measures of accountability to ensure the safety and protection of other young athletes.
When this many children are vaccinated there can be indirect protection of others who are not vaccinated because the virus is not able to spread from person to person as easily.
I am so proud of the young women and men, who have stood up, told their stories and joined this legal battle, knowing that criticism or difficulties would come — and they did it anyway, as a step of empowering for themselves and for protection of other little children.
Granted, the reason for compulsory liability insurance is protection of others against judgment - proof tortfeasors, but one could also say that old - age insurance protects society against dependent old people.
In the full - width rigid barrier test, protection of the driver's chest was marginal and that of the rear passenger's neck and chest was adequate, with good protection of other body regions.
Protection of the head and the chest was rated as adequate and dummy readings indicated good protection of all other body regions.
Protection of other critical body areas was good for both child dummies.
Communicated with employees within the same work area to comply with protection of other workers.
In June, President Temer had tweeted the model articulating intent to veto a measure to reduce protections of other national forests when she criticized the move.
According to UN, is it legal for a country to be under military protection of other country?
Initially rejected through the Panther God because of her overconfidence, Shuri nonetheless selected to combat in protection of her other folks, thus proving herself worthy of the Panther God's blessing.
In the more severe side pole impact, dummy readings of rib compression indicated a marginal level of protection for the chest but protection of other parts of the body was good.
Transboundary cooperation is also important as the values of the property are partly dependant on protection of other lake and wetland areas that support migratory species.
The Committee also felt that it was important that the Act should support the special agreements already existing between Indigenous peoples and the ACT government for service delivery, land agreements and protection of other rights and development of protocols.
It is a sustained effort to deprive children of the love, affection, security, guidance and protection of the other parent.
But sole proprietors also lack many of the legal and financial protections of other business forms.
The requirement for a SFOC is intended to ensure the safety of the public and protection of other users of the airspace during the operation of the unmanned air vehicle.
Readings of chest compression in the rear passenger dummy indicated marginal protection for this body area, with good protection of all others.
The child - killing perv tribes were eliminated for the protection of others and the future generations.
This protection of each other is why couples want to marry, among other reasons.
It takes balls to not think of your own convenience over the rights and protections of others.
Make sure your child knows why it is important not to share foods (for the protection of other kids as well).
The orthodox way in its analysis has a method of protecting either national security, or civil liberties, as if the protection of one undermines the protection of the other.
Such literacy work includes discussions of the development of digital footprints and identities in relation to privacy and the protection of others.
The protection of all other critical body areas was good or adequate for both the 6 year and 10 year dummies.
For your pet's protection and the protection of other pets, all dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the waiting area; all cats must stay in a secure cat carrier while in the waiting area.
For you and your pet's protection, as well as for the protection of others, all dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the parking area, the waiting area, and the exam room.
It is essential that a pregnant cat be given an examination by your veterinarian, both to determine her overall health, and, with a pregnant stray cat, for the protection of any other cats in your household, in the event she is carrying serious contagious diseases.
For your pet's best protection, the protection of our staff and the protection of other pets in our care, we do require that the following vaccinations be current upon drop off or be updated with us upon check - in:
Our Isolation Ward features state - of - the - art lighting, a fold - down stainless steel examination table, comfortable stainless steel pet housing, and an exterior entry / exit for the protection of our other patients.
Dogs confirmed or suspected of infection should stay at home for the protection of other dogs.
For your pet's protection and the protection of other pets, all dogs must be on a leash and properly controlled while in the waiting area or exam rooms.
The safest form of confining dog to the property for its own protection and mental well - being as well as the protection of others is a good, physical, barrier fence.
Most schools like to see the pup receive a series of 2 vaccinations given before starting in a class — for the pup's protection, as well as the protection of all other pups in the class.
• Obeying the laws set for your protection and the protection of others, even when your dog «doesn't need a leash».
First, Plaintiff must show that the employer («Defendant») owed him a duty to conform to a certain standard of care for the protection of others.
While motorcyclists enjoy the thrill of the open desert roads, bikers are exposed to the elements and do not have the protections of other vehicles.
All Canadian access to information statutes balance access to government information with the protection of other interests that would be adversely affected by otherwise unbridled disclosure of such information.
The textbook definition of negligence is «conduct that falls below a standard of behavior established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm.»
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