Sentences with phrase «protective ends of chromosomes»

Experts consider telomeres — the protective ends of chromosomes — when calculating this age difference.
Unregulated growth is due in large part to the fact that tumor cells can rebuild protective ends of their chromosomes, which are made of repeated DNA sequences and proteins.

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They specifically studied the length of telomeres (repeated DNA sequences) on the ends of chromosomes in leukocytes (white blood cells); the protective caps are believed to be markers of biological aging, because they shrink over time.
Growing up in poverty or an unstable home is associated with shortened protective caps on the ends of children's chromosomes, researchers report April 7 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Telomeres are protective caps of DNA that prevent damage to the ends of chromosomes.
Great tits raised in an urban environment have shorter telomeres — protective caps at the ends of chromosomes — than those raised in rural environments, researchers find.
ZBTB48 binds through the last of its 11 zinc fingers directly to telomeric DNA (TTAGGG, in red) as well as subtelomeric variant repeats (TTGGG / TCAGGG, grey), which represent the protective caps at the end of chromosomes.
In vertebrates, telomeres act as protective caps located at the ends of chromosomes.
These DNA repeats are part of the protective capping structures, termed «telomeres,» which safeguard the ends of chromosomes from unwanted and unwarranted DNA rearrangements that destabilize the genome.
The offshore bird's secret, revealed for the first time in May by zoologists at Iowa State University, is in the storm petrel's telomeres, repetitive bits of DNA that sit on the ends of the chromosomes in each cell like protective caps.
Scientists at King's College London have found that people who have previously suffered from acne are likely to have longer telomeres (the protective repeated nucleotides found at the end of chromosomes) in their white blood cells, meaning their cells could be better protected against aging.
Telomeres are stretches of protective, repetitive nucleotide sequences at the ends of chromosomes.
Researchers found she had prematurely shortened telomeres, protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that reduce with age.
They also measured HDL cholesterol, cardiorespiratory fitness, lung function and the length of the telomeres — protective caps at the end of chromosomes that have been found to shorten with age.
They form protective caps at the ends of linear chromosomes to prevent chromosomal instability.
Human cells have been rejuvenated by delivering RNA encoding a protein that extends telomeres, protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are associated with ageing and disease.
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have found an association between lower socioeconomic status during childhood and adolescence and the length of telomeres, protective cap - like protein complexes at the end of chromosomes that ultimately affect the susceptibility to colds in middle - aged adults.
The researchers found a correlation between the stressful male reproductive strategy and a shortening of their telomeres, which are protective DNA caps at the end of chromosomes.
LA JOLLA, CA — Rapidly dividing cancer cells are skilled at patching up damage that would stop normal cells in their tracks, including wear and tear of telomeres, the protective caps at the end of each chromosome.
Discovered in 1938 by geneticist Hermann J. Müller, telomeres (Greek for «end part») are essentially protective caps composed of short DNA sequences on the tips of chromosomes.
Both aspects center on the critical role of telomeres, protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that erode with age.
The enzyme telomerase maintains the length of telomeres, the protective ends on chromosomes, and most cancer cells use large amounts of the enzyme to ensure their immortality.
This exhaustion of proliferative potential, called senescence, can be triggered when telomeres — the ends of linear chromosomes - can not fulfil their normal protective functions.
LA JOLLA — Ever since researchers connected the shortening of telomeres — the protective structures on the ends of chromosomes — to aging and disease, the race has been on to understand the factors that govern telomere length.
Meditation also helps to protect our telomeres, the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes.
Well, science suggests that a regular meditation practice can help lower our stress levels, thus increasing the length of our telomeres — the protective structures at the end of our chromosomes.
The answer is via the little protective caps on the ends of the chromosomes inside your cells.
There's also evidence it accelerates aging by shortening telomeres — these are protective caps at the end of chromosomes, our body's basic genetic material.
A: Telomeres are the protective caps on the ends of each of your chromosomes, in each of your body's cells.
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