Sentences with phrase «protein and other nutrients»

This in return helped them meet a healthy amount of protein and other nutrients found in meat.
Puppies require a diet that is higher in protein and other nutrients to support normal growth and development.
It's light on the digestive tract vs. meat and it's packed with protein and other nutrients.
Humans all across the world have eaten eggs for thousands of years, for protein and other nutrients in them.
The paleo diet relies heavily on eggs, which are hard to beat as a versatile and affordable source of high - quality protein and other nutrients.
It's really interesting to me how with body awareness you can totally feel it when you're not getting enough protein and other nutrients as well.
Lab testing actually demonstrates that cooked grains can be a great source of energy for dogs, along with providing protein and other nutrients.
Protein and other nutrients help keep him and his fur in tip top shape.
Although dogs may prefer animal - based food, they can survive on a vegetarian diet as long as it contains sufficient protein and other nutrients.
A wholesome meal with balanced protein and other nutrients this burger is surely a winner.
This is a great way to get plenty of protein and other nutrients while keeping calories low.
You don't want rush this transition because your baby's digestive system needs time to adapt to the new proteins and other nutrients present in fluid milk.
This evaluation is because optimum energy, protein and other nutrient requirements are more important than maximum nutrient content.
But if that person ate peanut butter instead, the body is then able to extract protein and other nutrients.
Puppies benefit from high - quality food that contains 25 to 30 percent protein and all other nutrients they need.
The amount of proteins and other nutrients matters but their quality matters even more.
When you compare the cost of dried beans to meat, beans are an exceptional source of protein and other nutrients.
In dramatically decreasing the amount of a kibble maintenance diet, we run the risk of not feeding enough protein and other nutrients.
Instead, they're packed with protein and other nutrients, thanks to the roasted pumpkin seeds.
While quality is certainly measured in protein and other nutrients, attention to your pet's specific needs is also important.
Is there such a thing as a healthy vegan diet that excludes all grains, and pseudo-grains such as quinoa, and simply gets protein and other nutrients from leafy greens, other veggies, sweet potatoes, some nuts, seeds, fruits?
Cow's milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D as well as protein and other nutrients that are important for healthy growth.
It only added 2 - 3 more minutes to the total cook time — and bulked up my dinner with more protein and other nutrients.
The canning process creates a convenient, nutritious product with a long shelf - life that is a good source of protein and other nutrients such as omega - 3 fatty acids.
L - Arginine — the ingredient that is necessary for production of proteins and allows the body to product nitric oxide, which in turn relaxes the blood vessels making the blood, oxygen, proteins and other nutrients get to your muscles quicker and easier.
Dermal fillers can help improve the skin by stimulating the natural production of necessary proteins and other nutrients, ultimately revitalizing the skin from the inside.
An ape's diet in the wild differs from a modern «raw food diet,» in which humans get sufficient calories from processing raw food in blenders and adding protein and other nutrients.
Yogurt reestablishes the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, which helps improve protein and other nutrients absorption.
«Taking into consideration that you are consuming a healthy and balanced diet, containing protein and other nutrients, you should aim for 25 to 50 g of protein per serve of protein powder.»
In contrast, malnutrition can also cause weight loss, which is a deficiency of energy, protein and other nutrients mostly as a result of reduced food intake.
Mentioned above, considering the relatively slow rate of protein and other nutrient digestion, it appears that even a moderate sized meal maintains an anabolic state for at least five to six hours.
If you can reduce blood pressure a few millimeters from eating less salt, losing a few pounds, avoiding heavy drinking, eating more vegetables, whole grains and fruits (for their fiber, minerals, vegetable protein and other nutrients) and getting more omega - 3 fatty acids, then you've made a big difference,» said Ueshima.
If you compare the guaranteed analyses of dry and canned foods you will find that the content of crude protein and other nutrients are inferior for the canned product because these nutrients are diluted in a larger quantity of water.
We have concerns about older dogs being able to digest this ingredient well enough to obtain good protein and other nutrients from it, especially considering that this food only has 20 percent protein total (dry matter basis).
Eat fresh sprouted mung beans quickly because the longer you store them, the more protein and other nutrients they lose.
In fact, the point of a diet formula like Nutrament is not just that it contains enough protein and other nutrients that people can thrive on, say, 400 or 800 calories - a-day of the stuff.
An oh - so - indulgent sweet and savory snack, yet packed with protein and other nutrients.
New FDA Recommendations Fish are an important source of protein and other nutrients for young children and women who...
These crunchy, sweet, seedy bars pack a ton of protein and other nutrients, and are sweetened with raisins and coconut nectar (or honey, if you'd rather).
High quality semolina flour means your pasta will be higher in protein and other nutrients and it will taste better.
Eggs are an incredible source of protein and other nutrients.
We can help you to fortify your products with vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein and other nutrients.
Carbohydrates, fiber, fats, sugars, proteins and other nutrients all release energy during respiration - this is often called «food energy».
Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source, and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients.
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