Sentences with phrase «protein called histones»

In these regions, DNA is so tightly wrapped around proteins called histones that the egg can't reprogram those bits.
They used the model to determine how a point mutation in a family of DNA packaging proteins called histone H3 drives formation and the continued growth of DIPG and other high - grade gliomas that develop in and around the thalamus.
The study, published September 19 in Science, focused on one well studied epigenetic modification — the methylation of a DNA packaging protein called histone H3.
MYSM1 is an enzyme in the body's immune system that turns genes on and off by modifying proteins called histones embedded in DNA.
The precise timing of those cellular activities is critical to normal heart development, with disruptions in the structure of proteins called histones linked to later heart problems..»
The PAD4 enzyme decondenses chromatin by loosening up the interaction between DNA and special proteins called histones.
Despite popular depictions, the long strands of DNA in the cell spend most of their time tightly wound around specialized proteins called histones.
These spools are actually proteins called histones, and they must...
Chromatin is a combination of coiled DNA and structural proteins called histones.
A universal difference between cellular genomes is that they are far larger and have far more proteins called histones than viral genomes.
The DNA wraps tightly around proteins called histones, and genes are then tagged with methyl groups that prevent the proteinmaking machinery in the cell from reaching them.
Such organisms cram meters of genetic material into the tiny nuclei by wrapping strands of DNA around clusters of proteins called histones (SN: 1/10/15, p. 32).
«PAD4 decondenses chromatin by loosening up the interaction between DNA and special proteins called histones.
One such example, Thomas said, are modifications of specialized proteins called histones, which are responsible for packaging DNA in the cell nucleus and influencing how genes are regulated.
A microscopy image of the complete set of chromosomes in a 2 - cell stage mouse embryo reveals chemical tags that, decorate, DNA - packaging proteins called histones.
Other molecular changes — chemical tags added to DNA or to proteins called histones — may affect health without injuring DNA.
Tsai's team also probed the biochemical mechanism by which environmental enrichment worked its magic, tracing it to proteins called histones, the spools that DNA winds around to create complexes called chromatin in the nuclei of cells.
WOUND UP Archaea microbes wrap their DNA (represented in yellow) around proteins called histones (purple) akin to the way plants and animals do.
Borrelli said they observed a remarkable decrease in expression levels of some 2,000 genes in this area, coupled with a widespread increase in modifications of basic DNA proteins called histones — particularly those associated with reduced gene activity.
DNA is wrapped around proteins called histones, which serve to package the DNA inside the cell nucleus and play an important role in regulating gene expression.
We're going to focus on a tried and true method of finding enhancers by isolating genomic regions that are bound to modified proteins called histones.
It is a protein called histone H3.3.
In the chromatin, DNA is wound around proteins called histones.
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