Sentences with phrase «protein called keratin»

Nails are composed of protein called keratin, which consist of several sulfur containing amino acids.
Human hair is made mostly of a fibrous protein called keratin.
The main structural component of hair is an indigestible protein called keratin, which is why the cat's fur is not always passed through the digestive path.
Millar's group and her clinical collaborators, including Emily Chu, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of Dermatology and John McGrath, MD, from King's College, London, also discovered that cracking and scaling of palm and foot sole skin in WNT10A patients is due to decreased expression of a structural protein called Keratin 9, which is specifically expressed in these regions of skin and contributes to its mechanical integrity.
Hair is made of a protein called keratin.
Unfortunately, in people who suffer from hair loss, the body can use the protein called keratin to reduce the acidity, and this is the protein used to build hair follicles.
Vitamin A or retinol is essential to the synthesis of a protein called keratin in your body.
«Milia are small cysts filled with a protein called keratin, and form as a result of the skin's localized inability to exfoliate naturally,» Dr. Bowe says.
With men and women who suffer from hair loss, this can mean using the protein called keratin to reduce the acidity of the blood.
Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin and grows from just under the skin's surface from a follicle.
«Hair is made of a protein called keratin and once that starts to break down, there's no way to repair the damage.
Canine toenails are made of a protein called keratin, just like your own nails.
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