Sentences with phrase «protein residues»

He says a detection rate of only about 5 to 10 percent is typical when searching for protein residue on artifacts, but he's confident in those results.
Of this sample, 17 tools tested positive for protein residue, i.e. blood and other animal products.
This review reported that, though higher protein levels led to faster growth, the (supposed) benefit «could not be weighed against the adverse consequences» of excess protein residues in the blood and neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
Linda Wilson, senior director of product management at Glanbia, explained that its customers are increasingly seeking fast dissolving solutions, particularly in the beverage industry, where undissolved protein residue can leave a gritty mouthfeel.
Its applications for understanding human evolution are broad: One 2016 study used ancient collagen, a common protein, to determine otherwise unidentifiable bone fragments as Neanderthal; another identified which animals were butchered at a desert oasis 250,000 years ago based on protein residues embedded in stone tools.
The researchers identified six species of animals butchered at the site from protein residues on 20 of the tools.
Detecting species by protein residues on stone tools is especially important for once - marshy sites, like Shishan, which are not conducive to bone preservation.
University of Victoria archaeologist April Nowell led a team that identified protein residues on tools used to butcher animals 250,000 years ago at a site in Jordan.
However, apparently, soy lecithin does not contain sufficient soy protein residues to provoke allergic reactions in the majority of soy - allergic consumers.»
The rubbery protein residue that's left is the gluten.
The research team from UVic and partner universities in the US and Jordan has found the oldest evidence of protein residue — the residual remains of butchered animals including horse, rhinoceros, wild cattle and duck — on stone tools.
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