Sentences with phrase «protein than breastmilk»

They contain significantly more protein than breastmilk.

Not exact matches

Breastmilk is still milk, with fat, protein, calories, vitamins and the rest, and the antibodies and other elements that protect the baby against infections are still there, some in greater quantities than when the baby was younger.
Breastmilk is still milk, with fat, protein, calories, vitamins and the rest, and the antibodies and other elements which protect the baby against infections are still there, some in greater quantities than when the baby was younger.
Your breastfed baby should have an easier time digesting solid foods earlier than a formula - fed baby because breastmilk contains enzymes that help digest fats, proteins and starch.
It might help if you consider that breastmilk gets most of its calories from fat (some 50 - 60 %, much of that being the dreaded arterycloggingsaturatedfat ™) and while the percentage of carbs is greater than the percentage of protein, you could say bf babies are all on a «low carb» diet so long as they are exclusively bf.
Meats are the best dietary source of iron for an infant (other than breastmilk) and they also provide zinc and protein.
Colostrum is like «super» breastmilk and contains more concentrated protein and immunity factors than mature breastmilk.
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