Sentences with phrase «protest against his words»

Then on Sunday, many teams and individual players engaged in some form of protest against his words.

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Blake and every radical Christian seer have not only issued a violent protest against the «Christian God,» but they have likewise condemned the mystery and repression of religion as a fundamental obstacle to the realization of a union with the life and Word of Jesus.
From the Jewish point of view, the church's claim is one more example of the nations» protest against the election of the stock of Abraham, which Israel must repudiate as a rebellion against God's word.
With one «religiously righteous» word these leaders protest against killing and with another spoken word from the same mouth they deny the Preeminence of the One God, confessing that it is right to be free to worship any god.
I'm feeling the pull of the Old World against this New Kingdom of Love and every prayer I pray, every hand I hold, every word of hope and life I speak, every eye I meet is an act of protest, a snatching back from the darkness, a proclamation of freedom, a revolution of LOVE.
But the very fact that the question of the death of the word «God» can be put shows that this word is still there because of man's very protest against it.
Most Protestant churches have made an adjustment to the structures of the general community while claiming and fighting for the freedom to witness to the Word of God, and to protest against the absolutizing of any form of power.
Also to be noted is his protest against the uncritical and insensitive use of the words «tribe» and «tribal.»
It is, of course, our story: the threat, real or simply paranoid; the flight in terror through the wilderness of despair; the wonder of sustenance in the desert; the darkness, the stillness, the strangely comforting loneliness of the cave in which we spend a night or a week or however long it takes for the noise and fury of our hell to subside; the perception of the gift, now, of gentle silence; the miracle, then, of the discovery anew of the «isness» of the Word, but the immediate, bitter protest against it because it will not let us stay in this place of haven from storm, this realm of the silence of gentleness, because it sends us back again, and because it rebukes the pride of our paranoia, our monumental sense of absolutely unique commitment and persecution; and finally our return, to call an Elisha on the way and to resume the work of ministry to Word of God and word of earth, renewed by the whole kaleidoscopic experience of the trip to the CWord, but the immediate, bitter protest against it because it will not let us stay in this place of haven from storm, this realm of the silence of gentleness, because it sends us back again, and because it rebukes the pride of our paranoia, our monumental sense of absolutely unique commitment and persecution; and finally our return, to call an Elisha on the way and to resume the work of ministry to Word of God and word of earth, renewed by the whole kaleidoscopic experience of the trip to the CWord of God and word of earth, renewed by the whole kaleidoscopic experience of the trip to the Cword of earth, renewed by the whole kaleidoscopic experience of the trip to the Cave.
Art and faith converge in a protest against the elevation of linearity as the final word about reality.
Katie must have known very well the anguish and misery that lay behind the words, understood how her husband was making the greatest gesture he could of protest against a life which had become finally too burdensome: «To my kind and dear mistress of the house, Luther's Katherine von Rora, a preacher, a brewer, a gardener, and whatever also she is capable of doing.
There is talk of another protest in the match against Man Utd that involves sheets of A4 paper with the words «No New Co tract» on it.
In other words, even though civilians can shut down free speech with protests, they shouldn't because it is somehow against our national ethos?
Garner's last words became a rallying cry for protests against police brutality across the country.
Mr Williams said he had considered speaking out more openly during the early stages of the war, but had asked himself whether playing a prominent part in protests against it «might be effective or that just becomes words, that just becomes noise».
Strength, however, is the perfect word to describe the stunning images of Evgeny Afineevsky's Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom, assembled almost entirely of blood - in - eye footage from the trenches of the massive Maidan protests against then - president Viktor Yanukovych and his government allies, who worked against the nation's EU agreement.
We were protesting the fact that it is our word against the state's, since we can not reveal the content of the passages or the questions that were asked.
Ever since the registration of Faleena Hopkins for the word «cocky», authors — both indie and established — have been clamoring all over the internet to make their protest against the motion as loud as possible.
It is rather against him who did not expect it that people have protested...» These words ring hollow in the face of such outright affronts to public sensibility as Déjeuner sur l'herbe [4] or Olympia.
Producing work over a period of extreme political tension, social anxiety and rising global capitalism, Kienholz created a body of work that, in the words of Guy Brett, reviewing his 1971 exhibition at London's ICA, were «a protest against a dehumanized, fear - ridden society».
There was no visible protest against the mayor or his words.
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