Sentences with phrase «prove a point at»

Not sure that game proves your point at all... Newcastle made plenty of chances for themselves but couldn't find that final ball, they definitely weren't dominated by the big Man City players.
Becuz the young Wenger wanted to prove a point at his new big club (mind you we already had stars like Adams in the team then), he completely and positively revolutionised things.
Sir Alex has seen tougher times so he'll know exactly where to go from here, and he will be telling his players to go out and prove a point at home to Wolves on Saturday.
Toyota has billed this project as a supercar killer, and although the C - HR R - Tuned would be less than ideal for daily driving, it proved its point at the track.
I'd advise you to not be fooled, but seems it might be a bit too late... Edit: Unfortunately for you both, it doesn't prove his point at all.

Not exact matches

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter: «Eric Hellweg over at HBR said on Twitter this is one of their all - time best sellers,» Dickerson points out.
If this theory is proved true, it would suggest that other universes like our own could have emerged at that point.
At some point, we each must prove our worth — to ourselves, our contemporaries, and the world.
I asked if he hesitated at all, or if McConlogue pushed him to choose to learn to code to help him prove a point to his critics.
Make a six figure income by gaining clients and providing marketing services with proven results at a competitive price point.
At least it proves how vulnerable WA is with a single major energy source — an unusual point for a pipeline owner to prove, I would have thought.
The first quarter of 2018 proved significantly more volatile for equity markets, with both the Dow Jones industrial average and the S&P 500 falling into correction territory at one point.
At some point you have to prove that you can make some money.
Brent Underwood, a partner at the marketing firm Brass Check, recently proved the point in a piece for The New York Observer.
To prove his point, Collins shared a presentation he gave at ICON, Infusionsoft's annual user conference.
At some point I think Keynes will be proven right.
Sundt (left) defined «crisis alpha» as the ability to generate returns at a time of crisis, and cited 20 years worth of data from his firm's Altegris 40 index of top commodity trading advisors (CTAs) to prove the point.
At this point in the U.S. presidential election, Trump had proven himself a very competitive candidate, trailing the much more politically experienced Hillary Clinton by single digits.
We provide a wide array of proven clinical and administrative services, flexibility and configurability, plus actionable information at the point - of - care and point - of - sale, while maintaining focus on total health and real health care value to plan sponsors and members.
At many points in this very unusual period (like 1988, 1996, 2003, and 2013) long - term bonds would have proven to be just as good a choice as stocks.
Last August, at the time of the announcement of the sale of the Washington Post, I noted that Washington Post Co. shares had proved a mediocre investment over the past two decades, trailing the S&P 500 by more than 2.5 percentage points on an annualized investment (although starting at the time Buffett began accumulating shares, in 1973, the performance was much better, with an estimated annual return of 11.5 %).
When most respond that anything greater than a 50 % to 60 % decline would constitute a crash, at this point, I know I can prove my point.
The search for affordable price points at all property age groups and within reasonable commute times have proven to become more and more daunting in recent years.
Before The Bell - At the midway point of October, a month that historically, at times, has proven to be very difficult for those long equities, the bulls are more than holding their owAt the midway point of October, a month that historically, at times, has proven to be very difficult for those long equities, the bulls are more than holding their owat times, has proven to be very difficult for those long equities, the bulls are more than holding their own.
At this point in the game, I recommend you leave link buying to professionals with proven track records, assuming your situation requires link buys for effective competition.
Daniel Gropper, dean of the business college at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, said the bonuses and other corporate announcements «prove the point that when there are tax cuts for corporations, they have an effect.»
@Brad - I agree with at least one of your crotchety points, «neither side (believer / non-believer) can prove crap» - there's some truth in that statement to be sure.
Christians look at the term «missing link» coined centuries ago and long since solved with countless examples, and think that it is still «missing» and think they have proven a point.
Postponing doing so until the advent of death emerges on the horizon proves to be futile, at which point, as highlighted by the respective article, talking about family matters takes precedence... empirically validated by the related professionals in this particular field.
If he would fulfill my need, and prove he exists, I would pay more attention to what other people claim he wants and does not want, but at this point, he seems as invisible and irrelevant as Santa Claus.
Well, when they can prove that their «God» (whatever that is) exists and that He has given them that authority, I will stop laughing and pointing at them.
What's more, Rasputin never pointed to the homosexuality of corrupt priests out to destroy him, which proves he was a voice of tolerance «for what might be called outsiders — homosexuals, Jews, prostitutes, dissenters, sectarians — that was rare for Russia at the time.»
19th century, archaeological finds (e.g. earth and timber fortifications and towns, the use of a plaster - like cement, ancient roads, metal points and implements, copper breastplates, head - plates, textiles, pearls, native North American inscriptions, North American elephant remains etc.) is not interpreted by mainstream academia as proving the historicity or divinity of the Book of Mormon.This evidence is viewed by mainstream scholars as a work of fiction that parallels others within the 19th century «Mound - builder» genre that were pervasive at the time.
The inability of science at the moment to explain something neither proves God did it, nor does it prove science won't be able to explain it at some point in the future.
The heat in the kitchen proved hot indeed, and at one point I almost burned out.
I think that many of them at one point believed in Jesus alone for eternal life, but over time, have come to accept the lies of religion that they need to have the performance and good works in order to keep or prove their eternal life.
Hay recorded that Lincoln told him at one point: «I consider the central idea pervading this struggle is the necessity that is upon us, of proving that popular government is not an absurdity.
Obviously, there are always new things proven by science that explain what people in the past have attributed to things super natural and they seem silly at this point, but that's not the case for everything.
- > IM guessing that jb thinks that CSI and the FBI existed at the time this was written... to beat someone with a ROD to the point that death occurs immediately shows murderous intent... if the person clings to life a few days... one can not prove murderous intent... sorry jb... CSI and FBI did not exist back in Moses» day... they had to go by with what they had...
Experimental groups have proved the point, at least to their own satisfaction — witness poet Gary Snyder, whose writing reflects a vision gained in part from participation in such groups.
Dear Martus, the trouble with lifting a piece of scripture out of the Holy Bible to try and prove a point is unacceptable and at best deceptive, that is how the Christians in South Africa justified apartheid using Genesis ch 9 v 25 when Noah cursed his son Ham and his descendants.
Translation: «As Christians we really can't prove anything about our belief, therefore we must point out in others how they fail at following our popular religion and what people traditionally associated with it.
If I were to guess — and that is all any outsider can do at this point — I would say that the language of intrinsic value still in the Charter, granting nature some immunity from human need, language which, as noted, the Earth Charter Commission regards as essential and nonnegotiable, will prove the final stumbling block to official acceptance.
Your lack of knowledge of scientific principles doesn't surprise me at all, and helps proves Mr. Nye's point.
2) In my opinion, the easiest way to prove my 1st point above is to just look at drivers on highways.
His parables frequently end with a «punch line» that presents a challenge to conventional expectation: the scorned Samaritan is the «good» one who proves neighbor to the victim on the Jericho Road; those who come to work late at the harvest are provided the same reward as those who toiled all day; the wayward prodigal son is the one who is feasted; the prayer of a repentant sinner is more acceptable to God than that of a righteous Pharisee.9 Shorter sayings make the same point: A camel could pass through a needle's eye more easily than a person of great wealth can enter into God's inbreaking realm (Mt 19:24).
At this point neither theor can be proven conclusively.
At every point you have proved yourselves innocent in the matter.
And if you were born in Egypt at the wrong time, I choose to kill you after you left the womb so I could try and prove a point to your leader.
The passion of God not only motivates us to eliminate whatever suffering can be eliminated; it also empowers us to accompany our brothers and sisters into regions of darkness where suffering can no longer be eliminated; it enables and invites us to share suffering where efforts to overcome it prove futile; it frees us to continue a ministry of compassion and shared grief at the point where those who are guided by criteria of utitlity and success cease their efforts.
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