Sentences with phrase «prove prayer works»

A bunch of Christian doctors decided to prove prayer worked.
Scientists have data that PROVES prayer works.

Not exact matches

It's been proven prayer doesn't work it's why Christians were sent to jail when prayers did cure their children but modern medicine would have.
Prayer doesn't work - proven.
Prayer has actually been scientifically proven not to work — or at least any more effective than not praying.
A great example of prayer proven not to work is the Christians in jail because prayer didn't work and their children died.
So, how is it that it is proven that prayer doesn't work or that About the problem with the second coming?
People in social media passing around stories of heartache asking for prayers when it is a proven fact that prayers do not work at all.
Colin has mentioned this before and new - man promised but then backed off — you could prove that prayer works by nominating an amputee then blog the quantity of prayer along with regular photographs to show the amount of growth.
His parables frequently end with a «punch line» that presents a challenge to conventional expectation: the scorned Samaritan is the «good» one who proves neighbor to the victim on the Jericho Road; those who come to work late at the harvest are provided the same reward as those who toiled all day; the wayward prodigal son is the one who is feasted; the prayer of a repentant sinner is more acceptable to God than that of a righteous Pharisee.9 Shorter sayings make the same point: A camel could pass through a needle's eye more easily than a person of great wealth can enter into God's inbreaking realm (Mt 19:24).
However, I would be interested in what studies were done and what the measurement of success was with these studies that proved prayer did work.
One, it has been proven prayer is ineffective, and two, if it does work, then the 10,000,000 starving Somalian people need it a lot more than me.
I CAN prove that prayer doesn't work.
There are countless instances of prayer not working and no scientifically proven cases of prayer working.
You have no empirical data proving that prayer works.
Prayer has NEVER been proven to work EVER.
What has been proven is prayer doesn't work.
The Templeton Foundation's own prayer study proved that prayed not only doesn't work, it actually caused those who believed they were receiving intercessory prayers to have a HIGHER rate of post surgical complications.
First you got those middle aged moms who share minion memes that make no sense and easily get thousands of likes despite taking barely any effort to make, (compared to the thousands of facebook pages who actually do work hard on things and get no attention) then you get a giant newsfeed stuffed with stolen pictures of sick, dead or disabled children because all of your friends and their friends see «1 like = 1 prayer» despite MANY news articles proving over and over again that those are likefarming scams yet folks are clueless enough to not heed those warnings.
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