Sentences with phrase «proven source»

The poet's reflections in this new volume of prose prove another source of strength.
Any and all deposits not linked to your payroll need to have written documentation proving the source of the funds.
The cameras proved a source of even more data used to develop more tools such as face recognition, which would in turn keep us buying Big Tech's products.
This is why after years of research & development, Best Dating Now is the most proven source on the World Wide Web.
Why anyone still believes that solar and wind energy can replace traditional proven sources of energy is testimony to environmental propaganda and myth - making.
For everyone else its quirks and limitations will prove a source of frustration and disappointment, and that's not what you buy a games console for.
They have to be disingenuous in trying to put the cart before the horse; to put an alleged divine «truth» in front of proving the source for it.
Chia seeds are also proved sources of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and minerals that help in many body processes.
In a detailed set of reasons dated January 23, 2012, the TATC dismissed the alleged violations and penalties against the ship owner, concluding that Transport Canada had not proven the source of the discharge or the other offences.
Currently chairman of the World Group of Companies, including World Productions, the British producer has continued to invest in more proven sources of revenue.
He has to be disingenuous in trying to put the cart before the horse; to put an alleged divine «truth» in front of proving the source for it.
In fact the hacking makes him something of a savior as we are introduced to him (uncover child pornography hoarder or discovering another man's infidelity) but also proves a source of immense trouble.
Lenders will request documentation proving a source of income, but this can include proof of any of the following:
In a detailed set of reasons the TATC dismissed the alleged violations and penalties against the ship owner, concluding that Transport Canada had not proven the source of the discharge or the other offences.
This has proved a source of amusement for some secular journalists (particularly in the recent Channel Four documentary) who can't see past the boy bishops, boars» heads and Morris dancing, to see the seeds of faith that are flourishing and putting down deep roots in this rich cultural soil: an environment characterised we hope by an authentic quest of the Good, the True and the Beautiful.
«The nationalized industries,» argued Lawson, «so far from improving industrial relations, proved the source of the biggest threat to industrial peace — doubtless because of the combination of centralized union power and recourse to the bottomless public purse.»
For example, if your bank accounts show an unusually large deposit made within the last 60 days, your underwriter may ask you to prove the source of that money.
That book of myths has been confirmed in numerous archeological discoveries over time, it seem to me just as fantastic to believe it all cane from some cosmic explosion with no proven source to create such an explosion.
If the Middle East has proved a source of fascination for you, or if you have a tie to the Punjab people, selecting a Punjabi name for your new baby is a wise choice.
Our research suggests that as long as the former activities remain the proven source of electoral advantage, parties would be advised to not forget about their core membership.
Just as she swore to an oath that the money is hers, she has an obligation to prove the source of the money.
Workspace is a proven source of stress for most working individuals.
«I know for sure and from one of my most credible and proven sources (the one who told me about Metroid Prime 4 being developed by Bandai Namco before anyone else said or knew anything about that) is that Ridley is a newcomer, the game is, in fact, a sequel, but there will be assets being reused to some extent (s),» DasVergeben writes.
I know for sure and from one of my most credible and proven sources (the one who told me about Metroid Prime 4 being developed by Bandai Namco before anyone else said or knew anything about that) is that Ridley is a newcomer, the game is infact a sequel, but there will be assets being reused to some extent (s).
I've read a few horror stories, so it's best to go with a proven source.
If you are selling well on other ebook retailers such as iBooks, Nook or Kobo, then you would be very reluctant to take your books away from a proven source of income to be in Kindle Unlimited.
TORONTO — Scotiabank is defending its income verification practices in light of a report that says Canadian banks allow foreign borrowers to qualify for mortgages without having to prove the source of their income.
For a start, they must have a proven source of income, a low debt - to - income ratio and an excellent credit history.
The lender may also need to see bank statements or other financial documents that prove the source and path of the money.
Even with a proven source of income, good job security and affordability confirmed, getting loan approval with no collateral is only a good thing if the terms of the loan itself are good.
For example, if your bank accounts show an unusually large deposit made within the last 60 days, your underwriter may ask you to prove the source of that money.
While getting a private student loan with bad credit does not require a source of income (until actual graduation), applicants for consolidation need to have a proven source of income.
But the City already has a proven source for «best practices, innovative ideas, and strategies» in Tulsa's 2007 Humane Society report, why not use it?
«Retailers should be proactive in challenging manufactures to prove their sourcing is transparent and meets the high levels they expect.»
Nukes are a proven source of clean energy.
It is usually hard to identify and prove the source of the toxic substance that caused harm.
What you are describing is a copyright violation and you could sue the former employee for violating your copyright in the code if you could prove its source.
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Unfortunately, it's exactly these kinds of questions that prove the source of interview nightmares for candidates unless they know what's coming.
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