Sentences with phrase «proves false when»

Off topic,,, I must admit there must be some people out there who make it a point they spite Arsenal fans by cooking up stories about Wenger interest in players which just proves false when he signs an injured KK in January....
In his book Fooled by Randomness, Nassim Taleb defined Black Swan (the term refers to the once prevalent old world belief that all swans are white, which was proven false when black swans were discovered in Australia) as a rare event that is (1) unexpected (2) carries an extreme impact and (3) believed to be predictable in hindsight.

Not exact matches

When it does make falsifiable predictions, they prove to be false.)
There is much that could be said about this, but I will stick with one thing, based on discussion at about the 2 minute mark: When atheists insist that atheism does not drive behavior, and then then campaign on behalf of atheism, ridicule religion and religious believers in the name of atheism, seek to change laws in favor of their atheistic positions, recommend the extermination of religion, and practice falsehoods like Dawkins's in support of atheism, they prove that their atheism drives their behavior and that their premise is false, disingenuous, and (as far as I can tell) useless for anything but giving atheism rhetorical cover from being implicated in atheists» atrocities.
So, when Christian morality fails, or falls behind society, it just proves that this assumption is false.
Science takes credit for trying to interpret what God has created (yet of course there theories are always wrong or never proven, even after proven, often changed when found out to be false (because scientists are wrong all the time and think they are right)
How can any church muzzle people in the 21st century when science and technology prove so many of their tenets to be false?
To insist on an axiom when it has been proven false is the very height of ignorance.
Atheists can prove that science exists, that the earth is more than 6000 years old, that their is NO WAY to build the size ark that Noah built and do what is claimed in the bible, again when making extraordinary claims, we need evidence and we know that snakes do not talk, that the laws of physics can not be suspended and that nearly EVERY claim in the bible is false.
The sad part is they try to prove religions false when they are ignorant of what we even believe in.
It was not true when you first said it, you have never shown any true basis and what you have shown, has been proven false.
When you use a historical point to prove Christianity is false, history is objective truth.
But when addressing a somewhat similar line of reasoning in another context, Griffin states that the «question is not whether one can prove beyond any doubt that every traditional free - will theodicy is false.
my question, is what do these idiots do on the 22nd when the end of the world does nt come and everything they believe in is proven false?
but i'm not too sure when sooooo many people base their MORALs on imaginary fairy tales... so if they were proved false the ignorant masses would turn on each other and claw and bite their way to the top....
Science is a method of testing and verifying observable information in our universe, and when a theory is proven false it is abandoned.
It's been conclusively proven false many times, including in our own post on How to Cook a Perfect Prime Rib, where we found that when roasting a standing roast, it in fact lost 1.68 % more juice if it was seared before roasting rather than after!
While «the click» last season, when United went on their run of six successive, eye - catching wins, may have proven to be a false dawn, there may be reasons as to why the team failed to kick on and why this time it could be different.
Some people have a crazy notion that they'll believe stuff when it's proven true, not that they'll believe it as long as it's not proven false.
Such seemingly inexplicable behavior is reminiscent of the response of cults when their predictions prove entirely false.
Secondly, fraud is proved when it is shown that false representation has been made knowingly or without belief in its truth or recklessly, careless whether it be true or false
The Shadow Chancellor said Labour's leader had to tear up large sections of his speech when rumours of what George Osborne would announce in Parliament proved false.
The assay — when compared against the performance of the conventional ELISA — has proved to be «up to clinical standards,» according to the researchers, with the added ability of removing the false positives, thereby eliminating the need for repeated testing.
But when in 2007 the UK's General Medical Council proved the given story false, and arraigned Walker - Smith for misconduct, he sat mute for many months while the council's lawyers set out its proof, and then, after the prosecution's case closed, he announced a new story: that he was only involved in clinical care, and that the approved research project never even happened.
I thought that the unevenness was something that you just need to accept when seeing a new one, but SOUTHBOUND has proven that surrender to be completely false.
However, Battle of the Sexes is mainly about how even when women were proving that they could be as equal as the men, there was still this false male dominance over women.
This sort of proves false the maxim that its the best time to buy when things look the worst.
so when the opportunity arose he vented not realising his «facts» are dated and false thus making himself look very silly and proving fanboyism in journalist is very much alive
Regarding eugenics, you forgot the overwhelming similarity that they were both widespread, media - friendly, commonly - believed «facts» that proved to be false (whether or not Global Warming is false is obviously debatable, but he's operating with that disclaimer when he makes the comparison, and thus it is necessary to operate under it when disputing his claims.)
It occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proved false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proved true.»
Just how can we believe this when most everything else you present is proven false.
I was in court when Ms Reilly's genial co-counsel made his argument for Mann, which was a straightforward appeal to authority: Why, all these eminent acronymic bodies, from the EPA and NSF and NOAA even unto HMG in London, have proved that all criticisms of Mann are false and without merit.
What happens when many statements are proved incorrect, but they continue to repeat them or fail to acknowledge they were false?
Why bring up funding when the funding behind any expert is irrelevant unless it is conclusively proven that it paid for false information from that expert?
She instead inferred that money influence had tainted what he said so badly that none of it was worthy of consideration, which crumbles to dust when she and other accusers fail to prove that industry money was given to skeptic scientists in exchange for laughably and demonstratively false fabricated papers, reports or assessments.
when i say «impossible to prove», that does not mean «unproven» when i say «a lie», that means «a statement which is false» self contradiction is proof of falsehood (this is how falsification is done).
Dangerous, because claiming that any one technology can solve the climate crisis, particularly when that technology has not been proven at the required scale, can breed false complacency.
In its argument for the existence of CAGW, Working Group 1 employs the negated law as a false premise thusly arriving at the conclusion that CAGW is proved when it is not proved on account of the false premise.
When it comes to defamation, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant's false statements led to financial loss.
After all, it was less than two months ago that fans were let down when rumors proved false that the Beatles would be available on iTunes.
This critical analytical distinction gives rise to the requirement that a public figure defamation plaintiff, in addition to proving that the statement was false, must prove a defendant's actual malice (i.e., knowledge of falsity or conscious disregard as to the truth) in order to win a defamation claim.169 The concept itself is fluid and nuanced, providing a purposive device that can be used to ascertain when the «second order» of defamation claim proposed herein is to be used.
The case first captured attention in 2013 when the Ontario Court of Appeal confirmed that students are «consumers» and education a «consumer product», and that consumers do not need to prove reliance on a false, misleading or deceptive representation to establish an unfair practice and a right to a remedy.
When reviewing convictions, we focus on the forms of weak evidence which have been proven unreliable over the past few decades — such as mistaken eyewitness identifications, false confessions, and bad forensics.
It is important to have an experienced attorney by your side when facing these types of charges.The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro, LLC will defend you against these types of frivoulous charges with a full investigation, and if need be, will prepare for trial and prove these charges false.
When those allegations were proven false, new allegations have already begun.
When a child reports being sexually molested or physically abused, the child should be protected until and unless the report is proven false
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