Sentences with phrase «provide additional behavior»

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Amazon provides recommendations of other items that might be of interest based on a customer's purchase or viewing behavior and suggests additional items for a shopping cart at the time of purchase.
The sale of the anti-ballistic missiles, made by Raytheon Co and BAE Systems, follows through «on President Trump's commitment to provide additional defensive capabilities to treaty allies threatened by the DPRK's provocative behavior,» the official said, using the initials for North Korea.
Monitoring those behaviors in future cycles can provide an additional dimension to prioritize accounts.
Obviously this, that the «additional» factors (over and above mere behavior) that are dealt with in psychics but ignored in physics are in principle universally applicable, provided we conceive these factors in their fully generalized variables.
⇒ Quiz — to test your knowledge about dogs and babies and myths and misconceptions ⇒ How to Adjust Routines — including car rides, bed and furniture access, whose toys are whose and more ⇒ A Host of Proactive Plans — teaches your dog what to do when you are nursing baby, when baby is napping, you are holding baby, when visitors come and more ⇒ Evaluate Your Dog — a tool to help you identify and address behavioral and medical issues now that could present problems after the baby comes ⇒ Bringing Baby Home — a step by step plan to prepare for the big day and how to manage it for a successful first meeting ⇒ Common Questions — from jealousy to «acting out» and answers to «What Do I Do When» ⇒ Planning for the Future — your baby changes constantly and you'll need to help your dog adjust ⇒ Additional Resources — more training and behavior resources to help you understand your dog, provide for his needs and encourage good behavior $ 42 for the Digital Streaming mp4 files, and Downloadable PDF Documents (see below).
This new gene expression data therefore provides additional evidence that the altered behavior of bacteria in space results from decreased gravity driving reduced extracellular transport of molecules.
«Decision - making dysfunctions and resultant altered neural processing could provide a biomarker to identify those at high - risk for addictive behaviors,» said Paulus, who added that much additional research is needed before scientists could begin to use such an approach.
With this in mind, it's important to provide younger students with additional resources that they can use to monitor and evaluate their own digital behavior independently.
Not only does it set the stage — as research tells us — for improved classroom behavior and performance, but it provides for them an additional physical activity that can connect them with friends, get them to a library, or just generally give them the opportunity to safely race around their neighborhood!
Our social and emotional supports help students build necessary skills including: social skills, anger management, grief and loss, anti - bullying / harassment, behavior management, safety and de-escalation techniques, and provide wraparound services to help meet students» additional needs.
TDS Climate provides rewards, consequences, and additional support for troubled behaviors.
The project will meet the needs of students by implementing a «house team» concept that will provide in - school assistance to students who require additional supports for education and pro-social behaviors, which they may not receive at home.
Ratings are provided for Study Quality, including ratings from our TRC members on the technical rigor of the study design; Study Results, which provides information about the findings of the studies; Program Information, or information about the intervention including the target behavior it addresses and implementation requirements; and Additional Research, which provides information about other studies and reviews that have been conducted on the intervention.
The third recommendation connects these teacher concerns to resources the TDOE could provide in conjunction with Response to Instruction and Intervention for Behavior (RTI2 - B): «Because TDOE focuses on RTI2 - B in the draft ESSA plan (2016), TDOE could expand the RTI2 - B framework to reach more districts and schools through CORE offices or Tennessee Behavior Supports Project (TBSP), thereby providing additional targeted support in areas highlighted as obstacles by teachers.»
The role attribute is similar in nature to the type attribute [Content Docs], which provides additional semantic information to enable EPUB Reading System behaviors.
Additional features even let you see where you spend and with who and provide detailed infographics of your financial behavior.
The behavior and obedience training guide that I refer to often on this site provides additional advice on dealing with various dog behavior and training problems.
Additionally, with the support of Maddie's Fund and Petco Foundation we were also able to build a parvo puppy ICU, launch an intensive behavior modification program and a neonatal kitten program, allowing us to provide critical care for more pets who were often in need of additional foster support following treatment.»
Other reassurances that you can offer a landlord that may hesitate at first are: if your dog has passed his Canine Good Citizen test, if your previous landlords have provided a letter of reference for your pets» good behavior, an invitation from you to them interview your friendly well - behaved pets, bringing cute pet photos with you when you first meet them, and / or offering an additional pet deposit to cover any possible damages.
Optional rotations include ophthalmology, dermatology, behavior, and radiation oncology, or alternatively, with approval of the resident's mentor and department head, this time may be used for supervised training at other institutions or specialty practices which provide additional opportunities not available at Purdue.
Provide animal behavior information (if applicable) and direct adopters to the resources section of the Animal Nation website for organization - approved training techniques and additional information.
Medications can provide additional help in treating inappropriate elimination when the behavior is in response to stress or anxiety.
Signs on cages indicating «Staff or approved volunteers» allow pets with minor health or behavior issues to receive extra attention beyond what staff can provide — and the signs motivate other volunteers to seek additional training.
Monitoring student progress and providing additional counseling in case there is little or no progress in child's behavior
In addition to formal live training in Problematic Sexual Behavior — Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy for Preschool Children, additional required technical assistance support is provided via bimonthly clinical consultation, monthly administrative consultation, and review of recorded sessions for fidelity monitoring.
When it can be shown certain behaviors are a result of a formally diagnosed impairment (bipolarity, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorder, depression, oppositional / defiant disorder, etc.), schools are legally responsible to provide accommodation instead of discipline for the aggressors and additional services / support for the targets.
Parents of people with special needs often experience additional responsibilities, such as managing challenging behaviors, finding clinics that provide needed services, taking their child to appointments, and advocating for their child's rights in the community.
The Secondary Prevention level of support identifies children at risk for engaging in challenging behavior with early interventions established that provide additional time for these children to work on relationships with others, practice important skills, and receive reinforcement for using new skills in everyday settings.
Psychological First Aid involves providing comfort and support, normalizing the children's reactions, helping caregivers deal with changes in the child's emotions and behavior, teaching calming and problem - solving skills, and referring the most symptomatic children for additional treatment.
To provide additional support that the gender difference in the relation between depressive symptoms and physical aggressive behaviors was specific to physical aggression and not to antisocial behavior in general, we explored whether the association between depressive symptoms and other antisocial behaviors differed by genders.
Additional strategies are used for students who do not respond to the group intervention, such as providing tutoring to academically - struggling students, and forming single - member Good Behavior Game teams for students who remain disruptive, to provide individualized incentives for good bBehavior Game teams for students who remain disruptive, to provide individualized incentives for good behaviorbehavior.
In this article, the authors introduce the concept of School - Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) Plus, which provides additional training, technical assistance and support to schools that are struggling academically.
While future studies should examine other possible mediators, the present study provides additional evidence that targeting improvements in collaborative parenting behaviors and reducing overinvolved or intrusive parenting strategies — especially in single and minority mothers — may lead to decreases in child externalizing problems in adolescents with T1D.
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