Sentences with phrase «provide lots of calories»

It is a good source of antioxidants and vitamins which improve your overall health apart from providing a lot of calories.

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The fruit extract, or juice, is around 150 - 200 times sweeter than sugar and contains zero calories per serving — meaning a very small amount provides a lot of sweetness.
On the original post, a lot of people asked me if I could provide nutritional information for the recipe: ie the calories, fat, and protein per bar.
I was inspired to add cottage cheese to the recipe because it also adds even more creaminess, but without the calories and it provides a lot of protein, too.
You should always take into consideration that the body has lots of glycogen reserves in your liver, around 70 - 100 grams, which would provide you with around 350 - 400 calories coming from the stored glucose should your body really need it.
However, if you are planning on bulking during the off - season and adding a lot of overall mass, then MCTs can provide you with great fat calories.
It provides 7 calories per gram, which means that just one shot of 80 proof vodka will give you 100 calories, which is a lot if you are trying to lose fat.
And without grains or rice or potatoes to provide carbohydrate calories, you have to eat a lot of vegetables to get the carb proportion up to even 25 percent.
One cup of broccoli provides a lot of meal in size but, it is low in calories.
This means they provide a lot of nutrients without containing a lot of calories.
May 15, 2017 — «Focus on the kinds of snacks that are filling, with adequate amounts of protein, fiber and that are nutrient dense, in that they provide a lot of vitamins and minerals that are low in calories,» said Lisa M. Davis, chief nutrition officer of Terra's Kitchen.
I do this because it reminds me of my athletic days and it provides a great metabolic burn (ability to burn a lot of calories quickly).
Sticking to complex carbohydrates, lots of vegetables, moderately - high protein and healthy fats will keep you satiated throughout the day by providing bulk and slower - digesting calories.
There are plenty of lower carb vegetables available, think of salads, cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic and herbs, all of which provide fewer calories and still supply lots of nutrients, however the same is not true for lower fat options.
So it easy to see that unless you get a lot of your calories from refined sugar and refined oil that provide zero protein, a plant based diet handily meets ones protein and EAA needs.
The rationale for eating these foods is that, because they contain a lot of water and few calories, your body will burn more calories digesting them than they provide.
While you'd be quite correct in pointing out that there's no overflow, a lot of these fat calories weren't «burned» — they went into providing for the body's upkeep in various ways (when it could have been just as easily carb calories that were burned).
Besides providing lots of flavor with no fat and few calories, many of these spicy seasonings turn up your digestive fires, causing your body to temporarily burn more calories.
Fiber supports Fido through a calorie restricted diet thanks to its bulk — since dietary fiber can't be digested, it takes up a lot of space in your dog's stomach without providing any calories.
With spleen, it doesn't take a lot of calories to provide sufficient iron for growth stages.
Because they are high in fiber, yet provide hardly any energy, they can take up space in your pet's stomach without actually adding a whole lot of calories to their diet.
Millet doesn't provide a lot of nutritional value though it does provide some Manganese and some calories, as well as a plant source of omega - 6 fatty acid.
Loaded with artificial sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup, fructose or sucrose, they provide little nutritional value and lots of empty calories.
Traditional puppy diets are designed with lots of protein and fat so as to provide large amounts of calories.
It may still sound like a lot for a toy breed, given that 18 % protein is the minimum for any adult dog, but since Chihuahuas need a lot of calories per pound, protein is an important calorie - rich nutrient and will provide them with the energy they require.
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