Sentences with phrase «provide moderate exercise»

It's important his new family keep an eye on his weight and provide moderate exercise.

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Depending on your level of activity, some nursing bras will provide extreme support from the sides, straps and band to reduce bounce including during light - to - moderate exercise.
Moderate exercise three times a week will provide you with many benefits: you'll prepare your body for labor, get your heart pumping, and keep from gaining an excessive amount of pregnancy weight.
If weight loss is a goal, moderate your portions rather than cutting out carbs altogether so you donâ $ ™ t miss out on the nutrients and sustained energy they provide, which are important for enhancing mood and exercise enduranceâ $» two other keys to successfully shedding pounds.
First you need to use up what's in your direct transaction account (preferred macromolecules)-- starting with creatine phosphate and glycogen.These provide quick energy for short - term, high - intensity exercise, or fuel for the early stages of moderate - intensity workouts.
Furthermore, a paper published recently in the ACSM's Exercise and Sport Sciences Review discussed the research suggesting that intense aerobic interval training provides greater benefits for the heart than low or moderate intensity exercise.
The outcomes of this research sends a very useful message, which is that even a moderate amount of exercise, which is defined as brisk walking for 150 minutes each week, can provide a tremendous health benefit, especially to individuals predisposed to high blood pressure because of their family history.
No diagnosis: current exercise guidelines are appropriate — 2x a week weight training, cardiovascular moderate exercise 30 minutes most days or vigorous exercise total of 75 mins a week, with vigorous providing more benefit
This is because fats are quite inefficient at providing muscle energy to exercise at high intensity, and plenty of studies show high intensity interval training (HIIT) decreases more body fat than prolonged low - to - moderate exercise training.
But whether most people can tolerate intervals, and whether, in turn, intervals provide the same health and fitness benefits as longer, more moderate endurance exercise are issues that haven't been much investigated.
'» (Christiane Northrup, MD, OB / GYN, physician and author of the bestsellers Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause) «The Calorie Myth provides a clear plan for readers to reset their metabolism and shed excess weight - not through excessive exercise and restrictive calorie counts, but with delicious and nourishing foods and moderate exercise.
Eating a balanced diet and sticking to moderate food portions — paired with regular exercise — can help you lose 1/2 to 2 pounds per week, says the Weight - control Information Network, a rate of weight loss that tends to provide healthy, long - lasting results.
Nutrients get converted to ATP based on the intensity and duration of activity, with carbohydrate as the main nutrient fueling exercise of a moderate to high intensity, and fat providing energy during exercise that occurs at a lower intensity.
A recent study (4) showed that performing 10 one - minute sprints on an exercise bicycle (with 60 seconds of rest between each sprint) provides the same results as biking at a moderate pace for 2 hours.
Provides a clear plan to reset your metabolism and shed excess weight not through excessive exercise and restrictive calorie counts, but with delicious nourishing foods and moderate exercise that works with your schedule and lifestyle.
Stearns» exercise is simply executed, at first providing us with broadly moderated laughs before degenerating into a sobering, nihilistic portrait of the ease with which insanity transpires.
«Increasing the number of pupils travelling actively to school is a simple way of providing children with the moderate intensity of exercise required every day.
While this breed can easily adapt to life in an apartment, it does best when provided with a daily opportunity for moderate exercise.
Bull Terriers benefit from daily, moderate exercise that provides good mental and physical stimulation, such as nice, long walks with the family.
Providing regular moderate exercise and increasing your pet's exertion level very very gradually is also important.
With moderate exercise utilizing interactive playtime, providing a window box for your cat to gaze at the great outdoors, or a safe enclosed «Catio», hiding treats in No Bowls Feeding Systems these are all excellent methods to keep your geriatric cat's mind active and alert.
Someone with arthritis, chronic back problems, allergies, asthma, or other limiting ailments would be wise to choose a small - to - medium - sized dog needing moderate exercise to avoid the physical stress involved in maneuvering large canine bodies or providing sufficient activity for the pet.
Little things like providing a warm or soft bed, spending a few minutes massaging sore legs or ensuring regular moderate exercise can all help.
Features normal adult protein levels and moderate fat to provide energy so that older dogs can continue to exercise, play, and feel good well into their golden years.
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