Sentences with phrase «provide salvation for»

However Mormons believe this is a way to provide salvation for those who are dead.
They are performing a WORK for other people, which will not provide salvation for anyone.
Islam provides no salvation for nobody!
Both told of a Last Supper linked with the blood sacrifice whose symbolic recreation by eating bread and wine provided salvation for all worshippers.

Not exact matches

However, it is far beyond a blind leap of faith, as the Bible and the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus are evidence that there is a God and that He loves us enough to provide a way for salvation even though we as sinners don't deserve it.
His death on the cross provided a general salvation, whereby all mankind is resurrected to be judged for our works, using the secret keys, hand grips and passwords learned only in the Mormon temple by worthy Mormons.
Remember, God provided a way for salvation through the blood of His innocent Son who took the punishment on the cross, that we might be declared innocent.
Mormonism teaches that Jesus suffered for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, providing personal salvation (which may mean exaltation to godhood) conditional upon our obedience to the laws and ordinances of the LDS gospel.
Let's pray for every person and family who were harmed by Driscoll to heal, and also for Driscoll to seek help, come to true repentance, and begin a fresh start with the one and only gospel capable of providing salvation to all who believe.
The last things provide the public context in which hope for personal salvation is located.
Much of what the west has long taken for granted is now disappearing: the security provided by Christendom; the Christian way of interpreting reality; the confidence that the Christian path leads to eternal salvation; and the belief that Christian doctrine embodies the essential and unchangeable truths by which to live.
It provides the means of salvation for people who try but fail to live as he did.
In the bigger picture, it is a slippery and dangerous slope away from God to doubt that the Word of God as available to us now in the entire Bible does not sufficiently provide the explanation of God's nature and grace and the means for our salvation through faith in Christ, and such a situation can not logically stand anyway.
The mentality that Rauschenbusch deployed to seduce his readers — the turn away from troubling debates about doctrine, the shift from personal salvation to social reform, and the reassurance that progressive disdain for traditional religion was in fact a sign of a more authentic and scientific faith — provided a way to remain Christian while setting aside whatever seems incompatible with modern life.
A study of Beliefs That Count will provide a fine opportunity for rethinking our basic Christian beliefs in regard to such doctrines as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, the Bible, the meaning of sin and salvation, the kingdom of God, and eternal life.
Saying this would seem to imply we can «add to our salvation», which is impossible because Jesus died for our us and provides 100 % of our salvation.
Deliverance, redemption and salvation, effected by God's intervention against the world's hostile forces, provide the basis for hope in seemingly hopeless situations.
Such a biblical understanding provides a more fruitful base for reflecting on the use of power than does salvation history, with its stress on human powerlessness.
This included, among other things, teachings on the «only means of salvation provided for mankind in Christ,» and «the distinct offices of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.»
I spoke to them about the only one God the creator of all things, about the nothingness of idols, the sin of idolatry, sin in general, and its terrible consequences after death and of the only means of salvation provided for all mankind in Christ.
A good example is Habakkuk's presentation of a dialogue between the prophet and God — the prophet's first complaint is against the sins of Judean society and God explains that he will be using the evils of the invading Chaldeans to punish Judea; the prophet responds by complaining about the evils of the Chaldeans which God then assures will not go unpunished — that they tyranny itself will lead to it's own punishments and that the punishment for Judea's sins is itself redemptive and God assures that he will be able to provide salvation.
I mean if God did well enough to see fit to install this perfect plan called salvation before the foundation of man, that who so ever believes that Jesus took not only one for the team or mankind but all of the sins of mankind upon Himself, that in this gift provides freedom liberty and justification?
He has shown responsibility for this world by providing redemption for humanity in the person of Jesus Christ both in His gift of salvation and his manifest judgment at the end of the age.
Celibacy provides a refuge for GLBTQ believers intent on joining the rest of us onthe road to salvation.
His remarks about the beliefs proper to Christians regarding their own faith, the possibility of salvation for non-Christians, and particularly the efficacy of other faiths for salvation, provided a push forward for my own speculations.
This reality provides the basis for Christians both to affirm the reality of other religious ends and to distinguish them from salvation — the specific fulfillment Christians seek.
Something given by God, and «required» of all human beings for salvation, would need to be provided by God to all human beings.
Their founder was Peter Waldo, a rich merchant of Lyons who, seeking salvation, in 1176 took to heart the advice of Jesus to the rich young ruler, paid off his creditors, provided for his wife and children, gave the remainder to the poor, began begging his daily bread, and traversed the countryside and the cities preaching the Gospel as he found it in a vernacular translation of the New Testament.
The Yale philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff provides a critical history of the nature and purpose of art in modernity and suggestions for a theory of art today that could admit both its fallenness and its potency to engender some kind of salvation, and a piece by Daniel Taylor describes the abandoned Irish monastery of Skellig Michael that might make some readers want to plan a pilgrimage to this holy and - to?
In reality, evil is only a problem for those who have failed to accept the salvation provided by Jesus Christ.
Hodges wrote, «The simple truth is that Jesus can be believed for eternal salvation apart from any detailed knowledge of what He did to provide it.»
But Ghaemi provides exhaustive research and makes a compelling case for his point, which is perhaps best summed up by an aphorism from Martin Luther King, Jr.: «Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.»
Populated with great character actors in a superb ensemble cast, the film sympathetically displays the believable motivations and everyday, idiosyncratic human personalities of the assembled characters, mostly two - bit criminals (one with a family) and a recently - paroled mastermind criminal (Sam Jaffe) who all dream of and long for a quick, million - dollar jewelry store robbery to provide salvation and a means of getting away for their impoverished lives.
Where some books on school leadership get caught up in a quagmire of quantitative data analysis, and others read more like sermons for salvation, Design Thinking for School Leaders provides a relatable and conversational guide, informed by best practices of empathy fueled innovation.»
These soldiers are not only a salvation for the animal; the dog or cat are often described as «lifelines» to their soldier, providing a respite from war, a moment of peace, home and love.
I am thankful for what Jesus did to provide for my salvation; I am thankful for answered prayers, and for my friends and family who love me unconditionally!
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