Sentences with phrase «provide structural support»

Not required to provide structural support, but often provides a type of supplementary support.
But one thing that this top — called the floor covering — does not have to do is provide structural support.
b. Roof Decking: Your roof will be covered with roof decking, which will provide structural support.
With insufficient progesterone to provide structural support, portions of the endometrial lining slough at irregular intervals.
Natural selection is generally believed to have favored larger size, and consequently the need for hard skeletons to provide structural support - hence, the Cambrian gave rise to the first shelled animals and animals with exoskeletons (e.g., the trilobites).
This environment includes endothelial cells (the cells lining the inside of blood vessels) and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, which provide structural support and signaling to surrounding cells.
Actin is a filamentous protein, which together with other cytoskeletal elements forms a dynamic network of filaments that provide both structural support, as well as critical functional capabilities, to the cell.
Leaves in the upper crown have more fibers, which provide structural support and enable the leaf to enter its 20th or 21st year.
«We are looking at practitioner ownership and maintaining the independence of practitioners while providing structural support rather than through contractual tenure agreements,» Dr Garside said.
Editorial from Greater Syracuse Land Bank Executive Director, Katelyn Wright, outlines challenges faced by land banks across NY and points to Ohio as a model to follow in providing structural support for fighting blight.
In addition to providing structural support, the skeleton is a versatile conversationalist.
In their original version, the entire star shape was made from one polymer that both provides structural support and carries the drug payload.
Additionally, 10 of the variations point to genes involved in maintaining the extracellular matrix, the non-living material amongst cells that provides structural support and nutrients.
Thirdly, the current, almost universal dependency of organoid culture on the use of Matrigel as a replacement for the function of the extracellular basement matrix in providing structural support and survival signals to the epithelial cells hampers clinical application, considering its origin from a mouse sarcoma cell line, its poorly defined composition and its mechanical rigidity after plating.
The neuronal cytoskeleton regulates the architecture and dynamics of synaptic processes by providing structural support and the tracks for motor protein - based synaptic transport.
The mice in the study had mutations in a gene called KL2 (for c - kit ligand 2) in their Sertoli cells, cells in the testis that aid in sperm cell development by providing structural support and growth factors.
In addition to providing structural support, the extracellular matrix regulates processes that are important to wound healing, including the behavior of immune, skin and vessel - forming cells.
Collagen is a connective protein that provides structural support to our bodies.
The Type II Chicken Collagen used in Kion Flex provides structural support needed for healthy joints.
It provides structural support to the skin thereby increasing elasticity and skin tone.
They provide the structural supports necessary for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to realise the full potential of our inherent rights as the first peoples of Australia.

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Jobs tasked the chief engineer behind Apple's retail stores to find the special glass that could provide the required structural support.
Although the Minister of Finance denies the existence of a structural deficit, he has provided no forecasts supporting his view.
We believe earnings momentum, strong balance sheets and economy - wide transformational forces of innovation and disruption can help provide both cyclical and structural support for technology stocks in 2018.
SVI participants want to build a more stable market by providing structural incentives for the production of high quality and sustainably produced vanilla beans while creating overall conditions supporting the increased use of these products.
Incorporating high quality supplements into your child's diet is one of the best ways to ensure proper structural growth, provide immune support and help neutralize exposures to environmental pollutants and toxins.
It's made with chemical - free structural foam that's specially contoured to provide lumbar, lateral and upper back support to properly align your spine and alleviate common back pain.
Incorporating high quality supplements into your child's diet is one of the best ways to ensure proper structural growth, provide immune support and help neutralize exposures to environmental pollutants -LSB-...]
The researchers say their model provides support to the long - standing theory of «structural equivalence» as a driver of conflict in social interactions.
We can see that the remaining cracks continue to grow towards a feature called Bawden Ice Rise, which provides important structural support for the remaining ice shelf.
I've used my understanding of biomechanics to change the materials and structural design in different parts of the ballet shoes to make them more comfortable and to provide what the body needs in terms of support and flexibility.
The ECM is the natural fibrous scaffold that provides structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells.
Astrocytes provide structural and metabolic support for neuronal networks, but direct evidence demonstrating their active role in complex behaviors is limited.
While the brain actually has more glial cells than neurons, glial cells were long thought to provide only structural support to the neurons, much like cement supports a house.
Because the brain provides a sort of scaffolding for the facial features, scientists assumed that if something went wrong in brain development, the face would simply lack structural support and become deformed.
High - rise buildings have always been designed with centrally located cores, which provide a convenient place for structural support and bracing.
The injectable device is made of two types of silicone — one that provides the MRI signal, and one that offers structural support.
SBGrid has provided scientific software support to the research institutions, laboratories, and groups within the global structural biology community for more than a decade.
LN stromal cells, particularly fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs), which provide critical structural support and regulate immunity and transport properties of LNs, expand prior to the onset of metastasis and undergo significant remodelling.
Molecules lying outside of cells that provide structural and biochemical support to surrounding cells.
These protein filaments (shown in this computer - generated image) provide stiff structural support to the nucleus, Mahamid says, making it the least pliable organelle in the cell.
This is a pure marine - based collagen powder that provides your body with full structural support.
All of these were relevant to our body's extracellular matrix (ECM)[molecules that provide structural and biochemical support to cells in the body] by several fold, and in some cases several hundred fold, improving muscle health as a result.
Strip away the skin, fascia, muscles, organs, blood vessels of a human and you're left with the bones: the foundation providing passive structural support.
Permeability Select ™ provides soothing ingredients for inflamed mucosal tissues and assists in supporting the structural integrity of the intestinal lining, helping to improve intestinal permeability function and associated outcomes.
In addition to taking care of its suspension duties, the front axle subframe acts as a secondary load path and provides additional structural support in a crash.
VW says it has to re-engineer the car to strengthen the lower body to make up for the loss of the top and the structural support that the top and the strong roof pillars now provide.
The cylinder block is heat - treated for strength and has a deep - skirt design with four bolts per bearing cap (providing excellent structural support for the crankshaft), thus minimizing engine noise and vibration.
Developmental edit: $ 0.055 / word A developmental edit provides comprehensive support during the process of creating a book for an author who needs structural, large - scale recommendations and examples of how to proceed with issues like character development, dialogue, description, and pacing in fiction and cohesion, clarity, development, and style in nonfiction.
Get solid protection: ThinkPad Tablet customers will have access to Lenovo's full portfolio of enterprise - level services, such as ThinkPlus Support, which provides business customers direct access to advanced technicians with tablet and Android specific experience, and Tablet Protection, which gives business customers coverage for non-warranted damage from operational and structural damage due to drops, minor spills, electrical surges and other accidental damage incurred under normal operating conditions.
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