Sentences with phrase «provided by way»

Full training provided by way of printouts, videos, a manual and telephone support in your office over the phone to help you learn how to use it effectively and to gain traffic that generates leads for you to do business.
Before 1953, coverage for social insurance - type benefits was provided by way of three different types of contributions which gave specific entitlement only to the benefits of the schemes under which they were paid, namely:
(48) Furthermore, the «opportunity to comment» provisions place no obligation on the decision maker to «make any particular use of the information provided by way of comment or to act in a way that will ensure that no harm is done to native title interests or that such harm is minimised».
The secondary coverage is provided by way of an assessment on the operators of all nuclear plants, which would result in approximately $ 12 billion in coverage, based on an assessment to each plant of a maximum of $ 111.9 million.
The court considered the fact notice can be provided by way of working notice or pay in lieu.
If notice is provided by way of pay in lieu of, then the remuneration must be paid no later than seven days after the termination date or on what would have been the employee's next regular pay day, whichever is later.
Their plight is not to be forgotten but this post concerns what might be provided by way of «assisted digital» and, in particular, the lessons from other jurisdictions in this area.
That is the key to making legal advice services affordable, and also provided by way of the highest degree of competence, because of the much higher degree of specialization than now exists in any law firm.
Showers are provided by way of an overhead portable camping shower and an impromptu shower curtain in between the open rear doors.
These nutrients can also be provided by way of dietary supplements.
The final piece of the puzzle is provided by the way sexuality has been made fundamental to identity.
Please rest assured that this site shall only collect personal information that you knowingly and willingly provide by way of surveys, completed membership forms, and emails.
Please rest assured that this site shall only collect personal information that you knowingly and willingly provide by way of surveys, completed membership forms, and emails.
Sulphate aerosols in the stratosphere (which were the main topic of this piece and these Climate Feedback posts) and mirrors / refractors in space (also in that piece, and in this paper by Roger Angel) both have the potential to provide as much by way of negative forcing as a doubling of CO2 provides by way of positive forcing.

Not exact matches

One sure way to achieve this is by providing customer care in the local, native tongue.
Platforms provided by Adobe and Optimizely make it possible for marketers to recommend specific pieces of content similar to the way Netflix suggests shows.
Resumes and portfolios of work provide a starting point, but it is by no means an acceptable way to evaluate their ability to code.
It can provide 18 ways to segment data, allowing you to home in on visitors — by keyword, browser, location — and can generate 82 different reports in 17 languages.
Content Marketing, by nature, is a way for marketers to reach consumers by providing them with the same kind of content that they inherently seek out.
That program, also operated by Treasury, works much the same way TARP does, but it provides capital at interest tied to the volume of small business loans the bank makes.
Square is a credit card processing company that provides a way for small businesses like yours to accept credit cards without carrying the burden of all those fees that typically get added in by other credit card processors.
Hive provides a way to extract information from Hadoop using the same kind of traditional methods used by regular databases.
«If [R3's] only duty was to provide assistance, and it breached this duty in a significant way (the latter qualification is important since this duty could be breached in trivial ways), for example by doing nothing when it could have done something, then the breach looks material to me,» said Stephen Smith, a law professor at McGill University, in an email to Fortune.
A family game night not only provides a unique way to spend time together, it helps children learn to be a good sport, play by the rules, and think strategically.
Companies like Microsoft and KPMG have caught on to this need and responded by giving employees exposure to peers in different divisions, to provide fresh ideas and new ways of thinking.
But new side - by - side comparisons from EDGI provide a kind of virtual trip back in time to the web before Trump took office, shedding light on the subtle ways that the administration is making it harder to track down information about climate change and alternative energy sources online.
Keep in mind that every piece of information that's requested by Airbnb to include in your personal profile or property listing can help you showcase yourself and your property in a positive way, based on the information you choose to provide.
By using them in moderation, parents can provide a good way for the child to check on a few facts here and there.
By harnessing the power of larger and more diverse sets of data in creative ways, Dstillery is able to provide more accurate conclusions that better serve the customer, and the brand.
The most common way that small companies establish a presence on the Internet is by setting up a simple homepage that provides potential customers with information on the company and its products.
Encourage and motivate them with the freedom to do their jobs by providing bonuses and giving credit along the way for every contribution.
«According to a document obtained by Reuters, Valeant employees Bijal Patel and Gary Tanner received a November 2014 email providing guidance on ways to re-submit rejected claims to insurance companies in order to obtain higher reimbursement amounts,» said the Cummings letter.
A great way to do this is by including data or providing a proof of concept.
There really is no way to keep audiences interested other than by providing quality and informative content, period.
One way to achieve this was to engage the ever growing younger audience by reaching them where they live — on the internet — by providing 24/7 access to shows.
There's good reason: The practice has redefined the funding landscape by providing an attractive avenue for entrepreneurs to not only raise funds but also use the platform as a way to launch a sustainable business.
One of the ways these communities pay off is by sharing authentically and providing honest feedback.
In the orange world, big businesses and corporations start to decline and are replaced by smaller, flexible organizations that provide workers with autonomy and a variety of ways to work.
By avoiding these mistakes and following the alternative advice provided, you'll be on your way to a highly successful AdWords campaign.
He would go on to revolutionize the personal computer industry by providing a way for companies and consumers to order custom - made machines at a reasonable price — first on the phone, then on the Internet.
«One of the ways we monetize the site is by providing a price comparison tool for textbooks that helps students find the absolute lowest price, and we then get a commission from the seller,» LoPresti says.
Supporters say it would provide a safer and more cost - effective way to transport Bakken shale to the U.S. Gulf than by road or rail.
One of the best ways, then, that you can provide tailored experiences and detailed management of your retail customer relationship is by employing customer relationship management software (CRM).
That's also part of the reason that a few companies, including Jiff, are trying to separate from the pack by becoming platforms for wellness programs, providing a way to integrate offerings from multiple vendors, rather than focusing solely on serving up wellness services themselves.
Virtually all of the companies are looking at ways to make their courses helpful for their students» careers by providing certificates for completing them, creating courses in skills that are popular among employers, and so on.
Not only do they make sense for a bustling, busy office by reducing sharp corners and providing closer body - to - keyboard comfort, they also offer a little more enclosed privacy when arranged the right way.
Search Metrics provided insight on the different ways you could have been hit by a Panda algorithm update and how to prevent this.
Mobilizing people, process and tools can bring company, employees and work closer together and help do the job of peer management by providing ways to handle peer feedback and appraisal.
A federal judge has rejected Massachusetts» challenge to new Trump administration rules that would allow more companies to not provide insurance plans that cover birth control; previous decisions by other judges in California and Pennsylvania went the other way, issuing injunctions against the new birth control rules.
Louis Ziskin is CEO and founder of West Hollywood - based DropIn, Inc., which is changing «the way insurance industries do business, by providing on demand remote video inspection,» Ziskin said.
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