Sentences with phrase «provides illuminating»

You may think of an expert witness as someone who provides illuminating facts in criminal cases.
In aggregate, this work provides illuminating insights into the issue of wind's impacts on overall electric system operating costs.
«Overall, this book provides an illuminating take on Sherman's career that firmly grounds this artist in the contemporary canon.»
A self - described «collector of souls», Alice Neel's work provides an illuminating insight into the cultural, countercultural and multicultural circles in which she moved.
The crash of 2008 provides an illuminating example.
The recent case study literature provides illuminating accounts of change at the level of district ethos, goals for improvement and restructured organizational infrastructures to support reforms.
Classroom teachers, principals, and school leaders must read this book; it provides an illuminating model and framework for educators that vividly challenges «us» to re-envision what we think and do about poverty, race, and achievement in classrooms across the U.S..
The volume provides an illuminating and alarming tour of today's racial gaps (white - black, mainly, but also white - Hispanic) and the many factors that feed them.
In that vein, VIDEO WATCHDOG's editor Tim Lucas provides an illuminating insert for this and each film in the collection.
She also provides an illuminating look at how doctors are terribly ill - equipped to solve breastfeeding challenges.
«Meister and Mulcahy provide an illuminating vision of what's next for the workplace.
When compiling this report, EY worked extensively with Credit Suisse, the University of St. Gallen and family offices themselves, a few of which have provided illuminating case studies throughout the report.
never coheres enough to provide an illuminating answer to these questions.
For administrators and policymakers they provide an illuminating glimpse into the minds and lives of a few of today's young scientists... lives that are very different from the earlier lives of today's senior scientists, who — with a few conspicuous and notable exceptions — likely had a spouse at home to take care of the kids, and possibly also a nanny.
How to Get Good Reviews on Amazon explains how to find reviewers of your genre on, while also providing illuminating information on the review culture as a whole and possible pitfalls to avoid when trying to get your book reviewed.
See all of the main attractions, landmarks and monuments of this fantastic city on a leisurely walk with your friendly, enthusiastic guide, who'll provide illuminating commentary about the sights you see throughout your tour, letting you enjoy a more meaningful and immersive experience.
Hopefully our discussion will provide an illuminating context that will encourage more gamers to take the IF plunge.
Essays by Elvira Dyangani Ose and Nato Thompson provide an illuminating critical context for the artist's practice, and an interview by Andrew Bolton explores the artist's working process and inspirations.
Count on Walead Beshty, Larry Clark, Roe Ethridge, Katy Grannan, William E. Jones, Sharon Lockhart, Catherine Opie, Martha Rosler, Collier Schorr, Stephen Shore, Alec Soth, and Hank Willis Thomas — a truly impressive roster — to provide illuminating, provocative, and probably contradictory perspectives.
But with the advent of flat - screen monitors and DVD players, early film clips can be shown side - by - side with artworks, providing illuminating insights into how the world was represented and perceived in the early 20th century.
An advantage of using this field as a comparator, and perhaps a model, for how Climate Science might achieve multiple simultaneous «programmes» based on different «paradigmatic» is that it has suffered much less pressure from tendentious political ideologies, and those it has suffered are probably different enough to provide illuminating contrast.
• Lords Sumption and Lloyd - Jones provide an illuminating overview of the economic torts in general and the rationale for the unlawful means conspiracy tort in particular.
Friday morning provided an illuminating conversation with workers at the Kinna - Aweya Legal Clinic.
The project does however provide some illuminating findings in relation to risk and protective factors specific to GLBQ clients, and the nature of factors» mediating roles in mental health and illness.

Not exact matches

Golden Seeds, a group of mostly ex-Wall Street women, has been providing early funding to female - run companies since 2005; Cindy Padnos's Illuminate Ventures was formed in 2009.
The Factor Box provides a new lens, illuminating factor exposure in investments.
For four years, Shel Horowitz's monthly Green And Profitable column ran on three continents, illuminating readers about profitable green business tactics (marketing and operations), profiling successful green companies, providing advice on issues from influencing government to saving tens of thousands of dollars.
The quantitative approach used here, which provides a data - driven picture of the provincial - level impacts of trade agreements, can help illuminate the proactive policy steps that need to be taken to reassure regions and sectors as Canada proceeds in trade discussions with other partners, including in the Asia Pacific.
These excerpts are most illuminating, but the reader sometimes feels that more detailed commentaries than the editors / translators provide in their short notes would be helpful.
It seems to me that these latter novels are all illuminated by discussing them in terms very similar to the ones we used to discuss parables: they evoke the graciousness of the transcendent by means of a distortion of the familiar, for the purpose of providing a new and extraordinary context for ordinary experience.
Similarly, the virtuosic exegetical performances offered by Hays in this book will, I think, inform and illuminate their subsequent readings of the Gospels and provide fresh inspiration to read and reread the Old Testament.
These provide us with the material to be illuminated.
They can provide a perspective on the larger society as a whole that may prove illuminating and renewing to that larger society.
I think his experience has, in fact, illuminated his perception and provides a sharp reminder that we must hold ourselves» and each other» accountable for our acts.
Thus all healing, whether atonement or psychotherapy, is fundamentally related, and Browning can use insights provided by each to evaluate and illuminate theories about the other.
Here Kirk's language is still fresh and new, and Person is able to provide a useful analysis of how Kirk's literary work illuminates the character of his thought.
As we then said, such moments have their «importance» in that they illuminate what has gone before, are in themselves a kind of concentration of what is actually present, and provide new opportunities and possibilities both for understanding (which is the «subjective» side) and for that emergence of novelty in concrete experience (which guarantees «objectivity») which is the occasion for further creative advance as the process continues on its way.
Asserting that we do not yet have either the facts or the methods to make forecasting a precise art, Michael argues that there are three basic reasons for continuing to make or act upon them: (1) some forecasts are likely to be close to the mark, (2) poor forecasts provide a better basis for planning than no prediction at all, and (3) well - done forecasts help to illuminate the many factors that interact to produce the future.
The revelation of God, given in Scripture, is regarded as authoritative only insofar as it provides clarifying images which illuminate experience as it is critically interpreted by reason.Theology within this framework articulates the meaning of the inherited tradition of the Christian community in the light of empirical knowledge supplied by the sciences.
Coming as it does from one who considers himself an outsider and an amateur in regard to process thought, his essay nevertheless, or precisely for that reason, provides those of us working on «process hermeneutics» with illuminating analysis and criticism.
So rather than calling on ancient and modern history — illuminating as they may be — to provide us with the source of our present threatening condition, let us just in all simplemindedness agree to recognize that our deepest troubles are of our very own making.
Cobb provides the reader with an illuminating account of the historical and recent setting of oldline lukewarmness.
That it is such a responsible and illuminating study is due largely to Morrissey's solid understanding that it is Voegelin's theory of consciousness, presented and assessed here in detail in its development and refinement, that provides the key to appreciating the theological dimension of Voegelin's philosophy and the basis for working out what Morrissey calls «the principles of a Voegelinian theology.»
If we admit that their purpose is not to provide us with testable hypotheses, then we can make use of them, as suggested earlier, to illuminate what might otherwise seem to be disparate or insignificant developments.
By providing a unifying concept that articulates a common structure of a great number of spiritual quests, the process paradigm I have adumbrated should illuminate and give coherence to the varieties of women's and men's experiences at three levels: the interpersonal; social systems, and institutional structures; and the all - encompassing natural world.
By providing a unifying concept that shows a common structure of a great number of spiritual quests, the process paradigm is presented and should illuminate and give coherence to the varieties of women's and men's experiences.
In the course of human existence it has been the role of «religion» to provide the «answers» to our limit questions and to illuminate our boundary experiences by placing them in a larger than ordinary context.
Joseph A. DiNoia applies the insights of Thomas Aquinas to provide a sophisticated and illuminating discussion of the grammar of Trinitarian language.
The thesis is at times illuminating both of St Francis and of his world; for example, the chapters on courtly love provide insights into Francis» relationship with Lady Poverty andthe Blessed Mother, at the same time setting the secular cult of knightly trysts in a critical light, stripping away something of the 19th - century Romantic veneer from its surface.
These insights illuminate many of the issues discussed in the New Testament, and provide us with a new perspective from which first century interpretations of the human situation can be reexamined.
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