Sentences with phrase «provides live relationship»

She is also the founder and chief relationship advisor of Relationup, an app that provides live relationship advice 24/7 from professionals via chat.
Forty - two percent of users of relationup (an app that provides live relationship advice via chat) seek out help because their well - intended conversations get derailed by defensiveness.

Not exact matches

But now they have to build engagement, a valuable relationship and long - term connection with the user, and to provide them with something that's going to impact their lives in a meaningful way.
Something as simple as a feed of text and images has provided us with an easier way to achieve the benefits that the Wright Brothers» life - threatening experiments have: an on - demand way to expose ourselves to new ideas, meet new people and better maintain relationships with friends and family.
When you are in an under - represented population, coming together with other people in your demographic is a powerful way to provide a platform for accelerating success while building life - long relationships.
Three Christian charities - HOPE, LICC and the Bible Society - came together to publish «The Servant Queen, and the King She Serves», which provides rare insights into the Queen's relationship with God and how it's affected the other aspects of her life.
Without compromising the church's traditional teaching that sexual intercourse is appropriate only within the covenant relationship, pastors should be prepared to provide relevant and reliable information on this life - and - death matter.
To deny a woman (or anyone) experience of life is to deny them the gifts that God has provided us, thus denying them a full relationship with God.
In the second instance, where individual relationships are developed in the process of helping individual needs, the mass of needy people are transformed through loving personal relationships, in which they are coached and trained to make any necessary changes in their life, or just provided with the means, resources, and personal accountability to climb up to the next step.
But when you pray, spend time thinking about what I value, what I have instructed you, how I lived my life, the kind of example I provided, the people I hung out with, the goals I sought to achieve, the relationship I had with God.
There will be no future healing if a couple delude themselves, through a pastor's misguided attempts to provide loving support, into thinking that their divorce is a momentary inconvenience which is best forgotten rather than a broken relationship which will exert continuing influence on their lives.
It provides the interpersonal environment in which they can grow in their ability to handle life constructively, The heart of such counseling is a steady, dependable relationship with the minister.
Beyond the anger — if we can keep on talking to each other long enough — awaits a relationship between the sexes which can provide the basis for a benevolent society and fullness (wholeness) of life for everyone.
Christianity revitalized life in Greco - Roman cities by providing new norms and new kinds of social relationships able to cope with many urgent urban problems.
That insight is nothing other than the understanding that while in one sense God is indeed unalterable in his faithfulness, his love, and his welcome to his human children, in another sense the opportunities offered to him to express just such an attitude depend to a very considerable degree upon the way in which what has taken place in the world provides for God precisely such an opening on the human side; and it is used by him to deepen his relationship and thereby enrich both himself and the life of those children.
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
The enhancement of the divine life in its consequent aspect has opened up new possibilities of relationship with the creation and has also provided new material through which God may act upon creative potentiality, thus bringing to pass that emergence of novelty which is so genuine an element in our experience and (as our observation informs us) of the world at large.
Finally, are you really saying that serving and loving others is a work of Satan — a diversion from dealing with our relationship with God and provides an excuse for selfish living?
The complex of organisations and relationships that form civil society provide the environment in which we typically experience our everyday lives.
Leaving the relationship did not provide the protection that Brryan's mother had hoped for as Stewart started to make threats, saying, «Your child is not going to live beyond the age of 5.»
Conversely, having a source of regular trust renewal in one's spiritual life provides a steady foundation for trustful human relationships.
It means finding God in all the experiences and relationships of our lives; in our «world making»; in creative occasions of giving birth to a child, to a painting, to a poem, to a sermon, in sustaining events of eating a meal, cleaning a house, recycling our refuse, providing jobs, maintaining friendships; in experiences of judgment because of our reliance upon destructive weapons, because of our loss of integrity; and in redemptive relationships wherein we experience forgiveness, renewal, and peace.
A living relationship with the risen Jesus provides the guts and the power of the new life of radical discipleship.
However halting, despite the hiccoughs and errors, it's hard not to be strangely warmed that many churches aspire to replicate the work of the early church, stunningly summarized by Rodney Stark in one of my favorite quotations: «Christianity revitalized life in Greco - Roman cities by providing new norms and new kinds of social relationships able to cope with many urgent urban problems.
On the contrary, it means that those events and occasions have so much entered into and so much become part of Deity in his consequent aspect — providing new possibilities for relationship, new opportunities for creative advance, new chances for the bringing into actuality of genuine and richer good --- that they are in some deep and real sense integral to the divine life itself.
The cultural shift he describes is particularly alarming: The doctor — patient relationship is now under the cloud of assisted suicide in Oregon, which raises suspicions among patients and prevents some from seeking out the kind of quality end - of - life and palliative care that compassionate physicians can provide.
The movement doesn't act as a clearinghouse for charities, though it does have an informal relationship with Living Water International, an organization that seeks to provide access to clean water for some of the 884 million people worldwide without it.
I marveled at a chart that showed a diagram of the tree of life, where relationships between different mammalian species were figured out solely by comparison of their DNA sequences, providing powerful support for Darwin's idea of descent from a common ancestor with natural selection operating on randomly occurring variations.
This episode provides insight into running backs Chris Evans and Karan Higdon, who has a bigger responsibility than football or school in his life, as well as the relationship between offensive coordinator / offensive line coach Tim Drevno and the offensive line.
We provide an experiential, academically rigorous curriculum that also addresses the inner life of the child, their emergent sense of self and their relationship with the world around them.
His many books, videos, workshops and seminars provide practical insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages of life and love.
The services, which are provided by community organisations, target men at a range of relationship stages, including pre - and post-separation, and at particular life and relationship transitions, such as following the birth of a first child or the breakdown of a relationship.
For parent - child relationships, API's Eight Principles of Parenting provide 8 areas of family life, with a variety of ideas within each, as to how to form and strengthen attachment bonds within families.
«Integrative Counsellor specialising in CBT providing reflective space to explore the situations, negative thinking, relationships, loss, personal goals, behaviours that impact on the quality of everyday life, leading to feelings of being stuck, unhappy or isolated.»
Secure attachment provides the base for a healthy life with healthy relationships.
But good feeding practices and parenting will help that child live with confidence, provide some inoculation against future yo - yo dieting, and create a healthy relationship with food.
Attached at the Heart will help parents become acquainted with parenting principles to ensure connected, confident children and provide them with tools they can use in every relationship or endeavor in their lives as adults.
Everyday life provides lots of opportunities for talking about sexuality and relationships.
This transformational method of therapy was developed 25 years ago by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, and provides resources for couples, therapists, or individuals seeking to find a way to be more effective in their life and relationships.
To see why, let's return for a second to the American Academy of Pediatrics statement on early life stress, which provides examples of the types of stress children can withstand, provided they occur within a broader context of loving, supportive relationships.
Steiner's visionary capacity brought to light a new imagination about economic life and money; that consciousness applied to the nature of transactions in the conduct of financial life would allow us to transform our relationships with each other and with money and provide a new basis for transforming the entire economic system.
Not only do they provide academic advising and therapy, they also teach life skills that will be critical as they move forward and go to college, get careers and build relationships.
We're there for the life of your adoption, providing ongoing relationship guidance and support.
Unicef UK's Baby Friendly Initiative has made a real difference in giving our staff the skills and confidence to change the conversation about breastfeeding and early relationship building with parents... Together we can ensure that every single mother and baby receives the very best possible care, at a point in their lives where the information and support we provide will have a profound effect on their future health and development.
Khodorkovsky's belief, expressed in his first post-prison interview [Ru], that Putin is personally responsible for not only keeping him alive, but also for providing him with bearable living conditions and for leaving his family in peace, also implies that the relationship between the two individuals has important moral underpinnings.
«Those data, taken as a whole, may provide very precise information on the private lives of the persons whose data are retained, such as the habits of everyday life, permanent or temporary places of residence, daily or other movements, activities carried out, social relationships and the social environments frequented.»
This latest assessment provides solid science to policy - makers about the intricate relationship between ozone and climate and the need for mutually - supportive measures to protect life on earth for future generations.»
A new study — the first to quantify the social lives of parrots using social network analysis — provides intriguing new insights into parrot sociality revealing a sophisticated social structure with layers of relationships and complex interactions.
The civil libertarian seeks, in theory, to restrict this relationship to an absolute minimum in which the state can function and provide basic services and securities without excessively interfering in the lives of its citizens.
Leafcutter ants, which can live in colonies of a million or more, maintain a famously complex relationship with several species of fungi — some of which provide the insects with nutrients and some of which, like Escovopsis, are dangerously parasitic.
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