Sentences with phrase «providing access to quality healthcare»

Not exact matches

«Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama is committed to providing our members access to quality, affordable healthcare.
Faso, who is running for Congress in the 19th Congressional District (Gibson is not seeking re-election) on the Republican, Conservative, Independence and Reform lines, announced the formation of this committee earlier this year as a way to work with veterans to provide guidance and advice on a range of veteran - related issues, including access to quality healthcare and job placement.
«Crystal Run Health Plans continues to be committed to providing access to high quality healthcare and the triple aim — improving patient care, improving health and reducing cost for to the people and business of the Hudson Valley,» Steve Zeng, executive director of Crystal Run, said in an email.
«Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should have equal access to quality healthcare across Australia and the National guide is an essential part of ensuring these services are provided.
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