Sentences with phrase «provincial premiers»

The phrase "provincial premiers" refers to the leaders of the governments of each province or territory within a country. They are responsible for making decisions and implementing policies at the regional level. Full definition
Mr. Trudeau has promised to meet with provincial Premiers to discuss «economic stimulus» should the Liberals form government after the election.
For his part, the three - term former provincial premier said he is joining the firm with «great enthusiasm.»
Alberta Premier Rachel Notley arrives for a meeting of provincial premiers in Whitehorse, Yukon, Thursday, July, 21, 2016.
Since the fall of apartheid, former MFA players, referees and officials have served as South Africa's president, defense minister, minister for safety and security, deputy chief justice and sports minister, as well as provincial premiers and members of parliament.
Minister McKenna also said she's really counting on all of us to take an active part in the consultations on climate change and announced that her team will be launching a web portal on Earth Day, April 22 where submissions can be made that will inform the findings and recommendations of the four working groups struck as part of the agreement with provincial Premiers — we'll be watching for that!
As a former provincial premier and U.S. ambassador, he's rubbed shoulders with Bill Clinton and George Bush.
In December 2016, Trudeau and every provincial premier except Saskatchewan's Brad Wall signed a national climate plan.
The Institute has hosted CEOs of national and international corporations, federal and provincial premiers, as well as cabinet ministers, leading academics, most Governors of the Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve Bank Presidents.
To suggest that a provincial premier, let alone the leader of the third party in opposition can influence a US president is ridiculously naïve.
In December 2016, Trudeau and every provincial premier except Saskatchewan's Brad Wall signed a national climate plan.
It is no ideal solution for the mantle to pass to a provincial premier, but under the circumstances, I don't see what other options we have.
At a meeting with the provincial premiers held in July of this year, the Prime Minister stated that he would issue an invitation to them to attend a conference to discuss the possibility of adopting a constitutional Bill of Rights bundling on both the federal and the provincial governments.
It is likely that most 16 - year - olds can name our prime minister, their provincial premier and the mayor of their municipality.
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