Sentences with phrase «proving something false»

You said «Not sure why the 3 of you are so intent on proving something false if it does not exist.»
I'll let my other fellow posters speak for themselves here, but I am not «intent» on proving something false here.
Not sure why the 3 of you are so intent on proving something false if it does not exist.

Not exact matches

There's no reward for taking on something that has significance bordering on religious for some... even if it proves to be a bit of a «false god.»
This is the fallacy of assuming something is true simply because it hasn't been proven false.
Mormonism asks you to believe in something that has been proven false.
It is only possible to prove an existential positive (i.e. something does exist) or to show that an universal qualification is false (by way of counter example)
Though some texts are distorted to try to prove the idea of an immortal soul, they are in fact just that, distorted to say something that they don't say because they are read with the false lens of this pagan concept.
The motifs may prove to be too specific, however, for sensing the gestalt of the folk tale, and the reader may tire of following false leads before finding something that parallels the value pattern of the congregation.
Voice of Reason, if you claim to be a person of reason and science, you must remember that the scientific method requires that you must prove that something is false or does not exist in order to make the claim that it is indeed false or does not exist.
Of course it doesn't prove that believers aren't in fact sensing something out there but it clear demonstrates that such signals can be false and internal.
Of course, it proved to be something of a false dawn.
something of which Kristol knows not... false pretext for war... callous disregard for war victims... convenient lies to prove any political point... perhaps only Bernie Madoff has led a more delusional existence...
I thought that the unevenness was something that you just need to accept when seeing a new one, but SOUTHBOUND has proven that surrender to be completely false.
My bigger concern is if you write something that is discovered to be false - My understanding is if you were sued, you would have to prove that you published your article in good faith, believing everything you said was true.
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