Sentences with phrase «provision of access to justice»

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The suit was filed on behalf of two groups, the NYC Parents Union and the Partnership for Educational Justice, and essentially argues the tenure provisions give students access to ineffective teachers and ultimately hinders children the basic constitutional guarantee of being taught literacy, math and verbal skills.
A report published by the Royal National Institute for the Blind in 2000, entitled «The Price of Justice», criticised the framework of the existing protection, suggesting the high costs involved in pursuing claims of discrimination in the provision of goods, services and facilities effectively blocked access to justice in some cases, and called for a review of the way these claims are bJustice», criticised the framework of the existing protection, suggesting the high costs involved in pursuing claims of discrimination in the provision of goods, services and facilities effectively blocked access to justice in some cases, and called for a review of the way these claims are bjustice in some cases, and called for a review of the way these claims are brought.
The amendment, which Johnson submitted to be included in the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriation Act that has yet to pass, prohibits DOJ from enforcing provisions of the ADA that ensure equal access to public education.
(2) the population's views and desires as to this evolution in the use of the legal profession's monopoly over the provision of legal services to impose a «cutting costs by cutting competence» limitation upon people's ability to access justice;
The debate around ABS focuses on their risks and rewards, with opponents suggesting that ABS pose significant risks to lawyers» integrity and their provision of services to clients, while creating few real benefits to access to justice.
Neither report focuses on non-market provision of legal services through legal aid and otherwise or effect of the law and legal institutions on access to justice.
Second, and now as a matter of practical policy - making reality, at a time when governments seem unwilling to devote more attention or expenditure to public provision of legal services for people living on low income, exploring ways to harness private sector innovations may be the most realistic avenue for improving access to justice for that segment of the population.
The Aarhus Convention through that provision only permitted refusal to access to documents if it would adversely affect «the course of justice, the ability of a person to receive a fair trial or the ability of a public authority to conduct an enquiry of a criminal or disciplinary nature».
That the provisions meant the costs of litigation were no longer «reasonably predictable», which would dissuade parties from pursuing challenges and compromise access to justice
The DC Bar characterized Washington's LLLT program as «an attempt to regulate the provision of legal services by highly trained paraprofessionals while promoting access to justice for those who have legal needs but do not require all the skills of an attorney.»
Nov. 26, 2013)[Bea & Smith, N. Randy, JJ., majority opinion; Wardlaw, J., dissenting]: 2 - 1 decision finding government's position in an earlier reversal of a social security disability denial was substantially justified under the Equal Access to Justice Act fee - shifting provision.
Second, a central theme in the current access to justice debate has been the idea that there should be a culture shift in Canada's justice system away from being organized around the provision of legal services towards a client - centred and problem - oriented model.
During a panel discussion last week at the Thomson Reuters Emerging Legal Technology Forum panel called Prometheus Unbound: On «Chatbots» Robot Lawyers and Ongoing Access to Justice, lawyers from a variety of backgrounds discussed the opportunities and applications for, and the growing popularity of, legal technology to address pressing needs in the provision of legal services.
Unbundled legal services are one of the solutions to the complex issue of access to justice, and LAWPRO recognizes that the provision of unbundled legal services is occurring in Ontario at the present time and that they are likely to become more common.
How can we provide more access to justice through the provision of counsel as a matter of right?
Access to justice issues in the Canadian civil justice system are often framed around affordability, geography, and the quality of service provision.
And then there's the legal AI systems that allow individuals to gain access to justice, via provision of legal knowledge and guidance, or that help the user to complete legal forms without the immediate input of lawyers.
The Court's approach has the awkward result that it denies even the possibility to review EU legislation against the benchmark of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention... on access to justice.
To scrutinize and influence any proposals for the reform of Legal Aid provision to ensure that access to justice for all members of society is preserved and improved.&raquTo scrutinize and influence any proposals for the reform of Legal Aid provision to ensure that access to justice for all members of society is preserved and improved.&raquto ensure that access to justice for all members of society is preserved and improved.&raquto justice for all members of society is preserved and improved.»
The Ministry of Justice has spent less than anticipated on legal aid following the cuts as a result of an overly restrictive and bureaucratic approach and poor provision of information on the availability of legal aid, with the effect that vulnerable people are unable to obtain access to jJustice has spent less than anticipated on legal aid following the cuts as a result of an overly restrictive and bureaucratic approach and poor provision of information on the availability of legal aid, with the effect that vulnerable people are unable to obtain access to justicejustice.
Chief Justice Loretta Rush, in an order issued Tuesday, established the 17 - member Coalition for Court Access, led by Justice Steven David, to manage the provision of legal aid to individuals unable to afford attorneys for civil lawsuits.
The preservation of access to justice and the provision of quality legal counsel, advice and representation for individuals who are unable to protect their rights because they can not afford an attorney.
NSRLP is well aware that present restrictions on the provision of family law assistance by paralegals limit assistance that could improve access to justice for Ontario family SRLs.
These objectives include: protecting and promoting the public interest, supporting the constitutional principle of the rule of law, improving access to justice, protecting and promoting the interests of consumers of legal services, and promoting competition in the provision of legal services.
The idea that environmental claims warrant different treatment arises principally from the UNECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision - making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the «Aarhus Convention»), which was ratified by the UK in 2005 and which includes the provision that «each Party shall ensure that... members of the public have access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge acts and omissions by private persons and public authorities which contravene provisions of its national law relating to the environment.&Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision - making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the «Aarhus Convention»), which was ratified by the UK in 2005 and which includes the provision that «each Party shall ensure that... members of the public have access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge acts and omissions by private persons and public authorities which contravene provisions of its national law relating to the environment.&Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the «Aarhus Convention»), which was ratified by the UK in 2005 and which includes the provision that «each Party shall ensure that... members of the public have access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge acts and omissions by private persons and public authorities which contravene provisions of its national law relating to the environment.&access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge acts and omissions by private persons and public authorities which contravene provisions of its national law relating to the environment.»
These complaint processes do not fall into the familiar access to justice categories of affordability, geography or public sector service provision.
The TUC is calling on the government to adopt a series of measures including: abolishing employment tribunal fees to give more people access to justice; reinstating provisions in the Equality Act which placed a duty on employers to protect workers from third party harassment; giving employment tribunals the power to make wider recommendations; and extending the full range of statutory employment rights to all workers.
«The establishment of the Corporation will mark a new, sincere, nonpartisan dedication to the provision of equal access to justice for all our citizens,» Sen. Kennedy said during floor debate in December 1973.
This project is a groundbreaking collaboration in the provision of assistance to unrepresented litigants, bringing together LawHelpNY, the New York State Courts Access to Justice Program, and Pro Bono Net.
ACTION under Article 263 TFEU for annulment of the letter from the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety of 16 November 2015 rejecting an application for internal review, based on Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on the application of the provisions of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision - making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters to Community institutions and bodies (OJ 2006 L 264, p. 13), of implementing decisions authorising the placing on the market of the genetically modified soybeans MON 87769, MON 87705 and 305423,
About: Nassau Suffolk Law Services (NSLS) is dedicated to providing equal access to basic human rights and services through provision of high quality legal representation, public information and community advocacy training to ensure that low income, disabled and disadvantaged individuals have equal access to the civil justice system on Long Island.
The two key provisions are in Chapters 39 and 40 (see box) which are guarantees by the ruling monarch of the rule of law and access to impartial justice.
Proportionally equitable representation is not simply just from a governance perspective, it is critical in allowing the Law Society to act impartially as it drives the provision of legal services to the most accessible, appropriate level of the professions it regulates — as its duty - bound obligation to facilitate access to justice requires of it.
Additionally, persons that have been the subject of violations of the collection of electronic addresses or accessing a computer system to collect personal information (i.e., email harvesting and use) provisions in s. 7.1 (2) and (3) of PIPEDA in contravention of s. 5 (PIPEDA violations) or has suffered conduct that is reviewable under s. 74.011 of the Competition Act, i.e., been the recipient of false or misleading electronic messages (Competition Act violations), can also apply to a court for justice.
Does this open access, interactive model have any potential application to the provision of legal services in the civil justice system?
This is no minor bit of rule making: if the provisions are removed, the whole edifice of the Access to Justice Act 1999 crumbles away for smaller cases.
The committee suggests strengthening the lord chancellor's duty to secure «effective access to justice», to ensure the director of legal aid casework is sufficiently independent of possible government interference, and to guarantee provision for appeals where legal aid is refused.
There is a real risk that consolidated firms will simply not be able to fund the provision of legal aid services they are responsible to deliver — leaving the public denied access to justice and the system in a mess.
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