Sentences with phrase «provoking audience reaction»

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While it's entirely possible that «Demon» will appeal more to U.S. audiences after its June 24 release than it did to critics who saw the film at Cannes, at the festival, Refn said his intention was to make a «primal» movie that featured heightened reality in a way that could provoke drastically different reactions from viewers.
After watching a film like Pulse, I feel a bit insulted that movie executives think so little about the intelligence of the American movie - going public that the vast majority of the attempts at popular entertainment are completely stripped of anything remotely resembling a thought - provoking element, eschewing those in favor of noise, special effects and music stimuli to try to induce a subconscious reaction in the audience.
It also showed controversial or even bizarre items, in order to provoke a reaction from the audience, even if it was not a positive one.
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