Sentences with phrase «proxy for global temperature»

Granted that ice melt in the Arctic is more dependent on local conditions such as the wind, currents, storms and local temperatures, but it also is an approximate proxy for global temperature.
Don't forget the assertion by some climatologists that sites that were poor proxies for local temperatures could still be good proxies for global temperature reconstructions, thanks to their so - called «teleconnections.»
This last remark does not depend on the Indian Ocean SSTs being a good proxy for global temperature.
This argument is based on the work of Don Easterbrook who relies on temperatures at the top of the Greenland ice sheet as a proxy for global temperatures.
Using SW US drought as a proxy for global temperature, we therefore must conclude that it is already warmer than at any time during the MWP.
C: Datasets suggesting a drying environment at 2.5 Ma, shown by λ 18O from benthic foraminifera, a proxy for global temperature, smoothed with a Gaussian window of 200 ky; eustatic sea level; and magnetic susceptibility, a proxy for ice rafted debris and Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
If that is not enough, RealClimate has a remarkably in - depth review of the history of wine in Great Britain, and how reliable it is as a proxy for global temperatures.
Also, many scientists believe that CET, being calculated from a number of widely spread locations, in combination with the geographical location of Britain, is demonstrated to be a reasonable - but by no means perfect - proxy for global temperatures, and more notably that of the Northern Hemisphere.
# 73 Near surface anomolies were chosen as a proxy for global temperature.
Given that Briffa used a few trees from Russia as a proxy for global temperatures, that made up a huge portion of the «hockey stick», isn't that sort of like «calling the kettle black»?
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