Sentences with word «prudery»

While some foreigners see America as a bastion of prudery, a number of others agree that this is a sex - obsessed nation.
However, there are other pieces in the show which demonstrate that our objections were not victorian prudery.
The lesson usually drawn from these studies is that the outmoded pruderies of conventional middle - class sex ethics should be abandoned, and the liberties of sexual expression should be frankly, openly, and unashamedly accepted and enjoyed.
It has become fashionable to argue that the Puritans were not puritanical, that they had a naturalistic view of the body, accepted its natural functioning, and could talk about it without the hushed prudery of the Victorians.
There exist no simply biblical grounds, for as I have tried to show, in other respects many of us would clearly reject biblical attitudes and practices regarding nudity, intercourse during menstruation, prudery about speaking of the sexual organs and act, the «uncleanness» of semen and menstrual blood, endogamy, levirate marriage, and social regulations based on the assumption that women are sexual properties subject to men.
A reverse imprint of female genitalia, the piece is designated a «fig leaf», a term associated with prudery and censorship.
But for all its disingenuous prudery, it is by no means naïve.
Is this some revived nineteenth century prudery?
Bared bosoms continued to cycle in and out of fashion during the 18th and 19th centuries, even amid Victorian prudery.
It confronts human frailty directly and, like Picasso, portrays the passion of human existence without the least trace of prudery.
Some people, reacting against the prudery of the Victorian era and the moralistic legalism into which some churches had devolved, blamed the Puritans, and tried to liberate sexuality from all religious constraint.
I have no desire to return to Victorian prudery, to the earlier condemnations of sex as a special source of sin, or even to the lesser silences about sex in our own century.
It is the dualistic tendency inherent in these separations that leave man swinging between angelism and animalism, prudery and permissivism, rigorism and indecency, repression and indulgence.
Or of prudery?
drama, class structure, director, history, human sexuality, interview, Laura Linney, Liam Neeson, narrative, prudery, social attitudes, study of human sexuality, weight gain, writer
Under the influence of William Merritt Chase, John Singer Sargent, and William Morris, he was developing a very un-European Modernism, very American indeed in its prudery and trust in money.
In Bob Sutton's terrific book, The No A **** Rule, (printed that way not out of prudery but to avoid spamblockers), he points to a study that showed that people in meetings where everyone stood took 34 % less time to make an assigned decision, with decisions that were just as good as those made by groups who were sitting down.
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