Sentences with phrase «pseudonymous network»

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It could be said Ver both gave the monetary movement a face that it didn't have in bitcoin's pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, and that he helped further develop the ideology that the cryptographic network should be a digital cash, one out of the control of the powers that be.
In fact, the most accurate description of these add - on networks is that each Lightning implementation requires building completely separate networks run and secured by different third parties: pseudonymous node operators acting as payment processors.
Pseudonymous Bitcoin Core contributor BTCDrak views bitcoin's upcoming Segwit2x hard fork — which has a chance of splitting bitcoin into two competing networks — with a bit of boredom.
Though all bitcoin transactions are recorded and broadcast via the public blockchain, transactions are afforded a degree of privacy through the network's pseudonymous address system.
Pseudonymous developer bitPico has claimed responsibility for the attack — which does not appear to have a financial incentive — and has said that it is a «stress test» for the network, not a malicious attempt to derail the project.
In reality, all payments processed on the Bitcoin network are recorded on a public ledger (blockchain), so Bitcoin is actually only partially anonymous or «pseudonymous».
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