Sentences with word «pseudoscientific»

Pseudoscientific refers to ideas or beliefs that are presented as scientific but lack a solid basis in fact, evidence, or research. Full definition
And, of course, there are loyal readers who are distressed by the spread of pseudoscientific nonsense and wish to discuss the scientific facts.
This recent post via Real Climate Science on NASA tampering of Sea - level rise highlights the blatant malfeasance that these government funded institutions will undertake in order to push the man - made global warming climate change agenda, and keep the «Greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud in history» rolling and the billions upon billions of taxpayer funds flowing...
Yeah because you're going to be successful spewing pseudoscientific nonsense to educated people.
Indeed, that's the judgment of Richard Wiseman, a British psychology researcher and avid debunker of pseudoscientific claims.
Marchant has developed a powerful and critically needed conceptual bridge for those who are frustrated with pseudoscientific explanations of alternative therapies but intrigued by the mind's potential power to both cause and treat chronic, stress - related conditions.»
From racist pseudoscientific theories that suggested we were the missing link between apes and humans to the notion that we were a retrogressed or dying race.
Climate scientists have done an admirable job pursuing their science under great political pressure, and they have tirelessly rebutted pseudoscientific arguments against their work.
He concluded that, in his view, global warming was «the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.»
Barry Beyerstein, a professor of psychology at Simon Fraser University, wrote about the technique of applying a veneer of scientific respectability as a way to improve the status of pseudoscientific beliefs.
33 new «faith» schools and one new pseudoscientific school have been approved by the Department for Education (DfE) to open from 2013.
That's why people basing psychiatric therapies on pseudoscientific research will get mixed results at best.
With regard to the term «pseudoscience»: per the policy Neutral point of view, pseudoscientific views «should be clearly described as such».
There's little evidence of innovation in this film, which opens with some eyeroll - inducing text introducing, sigh, found footage of a séance from 1973 before fast - forwarding to a modern attempt at the same, filled with pseudoscientific jargon and equipment that looks like it's on loan from Egon Spengler.
One such pseudoscientific claim was that microcephaly is caused by the MMR vaccine and pharmaceutical companies are blaming Zika virus in order to profit from selling Zika vaccines.
We continue to be concerned about pseudoscientific groups proposing to set up Free Schools — as well as about pseudoscience at existing maintained schools and Academies.
Part of the 2000 Words series conceived by Massimiliano Gioni and published by DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, this monograph contains an essay by Ali Subotnick that examines Upson's pseudoscientific approach to her art that allows her to create confounding work that is simultaneously familiar and foreign.
To sell them, the advertising industry had to create pseudoscientific maladies like «bad breath» and «body odor.
The British Humanist Association (BHA) has expressed concern that religious and pseudoscientific groups will take advantage of this change in ways that lead to a biasing of the curriculum.
What you describe is exactly the outcome that Exxon - Mobil and other fossil fuel companies desire, and have achieved by their funding of right - wing propaganda mills, disguised as «think tanks», that spew a steady stream of fake, phony, pseudoscientific bunk and employ cranks and liars to create the completely false impression that there is a genuine «debate» about the reality of anthropogenic global warming.
They make up pseudoscientific reasons that foods are bad for you to increase your chances of sticking to the diet.
There is no internal science at play... pseudoscientific gobbledegook is spat out (by Richards usually) in an attempt to pretend at some sort of sensible progression, but these jumps are often ridiculous and usually without basis in any available evidence.
I really donâ $ ™ t see how anybody can argue against that (unless one heads into serious pseudoscientific territory).
«Climate scientists have done a great job in pursuing their science under great political pressure, and they have tirelessly rebutted pseudoscientific arguments against their work.
Defeat Climate Alarmism, represents a truly definitive guide to what is, undoubtedly, the greatest pseudoscientific fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind — the empirically unproven theory of man - made «Global Warming» aka «Climate Change» aka «Climate Disruption»...
I mean the temperature manipulators at NASA GISS, NOAA, BoM et al., and the sycophant mainstream, climate - obsessed media who spruik their «Super-Hot Arctic», «Hottest Year Evah» pseudoscientific propaganda PR BS.
In fact, even in cases where there has been prolonged difficulties or separation, interdisciplinary professional mental health support will take time but it will have a much more significant long term beneficial effect for the infant - parent / caregiver relationship than biased and pseudoscientific therapies.
and publisher (``... an anti-science organization...» that spends ``... a lot of effort trying to spread pseudoscientific uncertainty...»).
While it's easy to dismiss the conspiracy culture pushed by Jones as pseudoscientific rubbish, it is not so easy to dismiss the size of the audience he has been building.
And these factors might prove useful in understanding beliefs about a whole range of pseudoscientific fields.
A brief glance at Talk About Curing Autism's sponsor list shows a dizzying array of companies hoping to sell pseudoscientific «treatments» geared at «recovery» from autism.
A variety of historical shifts in art, education, and politics have precipitated a loss of cultural power for the Church in the West, so we have to study how our culture rejects orthodox belief for a syncretistic mixture of Christianity and either capitalistic nationalism or pseudoscientific progressivism.
On the contrary, evolution is a blatantly pseudoscientific idea.
German Christianity did not produce racist, pseudoscientific Nazi anti-Semitism any more than Rwandan Christianity produced racist, pseudo-scientific Hutu anti-Tutsism.
Realist And you atheists don't try & cram your Mythological Pseudoscientific Fairy Tail Religion down everyone's throat?
Brady's insistence in recent years that he'll play into his 40s stems from his relationship with Guerrero, his various training and lifestyle methods, and, as our own Matt Ufford called it, the «pseudoscientific grift» that Brady and Guerrero have built into a lifestyle business.
As longtime readers here know, I'm endlessly fascinated by the ways in which people attempt to misuse genetics to legitimize pseudoscientific ideas.
No authoritarian pronouncements or pseudoscientific political dogma.
BHA Faith Schools Campaigner Richy Thompson commented, «We will continue to campaign for this information to be published, as while we are not opposed to Free Schools, we do have concerns around the diversity of religious and pseudoscientific Free Schools which are being backed to open by the Government, and believe there therefore needs to be more transparency in the approval process.»
To the modern ear, those terms do seem like dated, pseudoscientific Victorianisms.

Phrases with «pseudoscientific»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z